The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies Review – Is Claude Davis & Nicole Apelian’s Book Worth Reading? Reviewed by Eubookshop

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies Review – Is Claude Davis & Nicole Apelian’s Book Worth Reading? Reviewed by Eubookshop

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies by Claude Davis & Nicole Apelian is a book that helps you learn different ways on how to make medicine from the plants hiding in your backyard.

If you're even remotely interested in natural medicine, you've probably heard of the Lost Book of Herbal Remedies at some point. This book is considered to be one of the most reliable modern sources of the topic. It offers a treasure trove of information that you can use to take on a more natural approach to basic medicine.

Think about the last time you had a simple headache or stomach ache. What did you do? Chances are, you went straight to that bottle of over-the-counter pills. Wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to rely on manufactured drugs to get relief?

Side-effects to OTC drugs are more common than you think! Not only that, but there's a risk of addiction, accidental overdoses, and the dangers of bad drug combinations. That's not to say that drugs don't have a place in our healthcare system. But wouldn't it be so much better if you could use natural remedies found in your own backyard?

With the Lost Book of Herbal Remedies by Claude Davis, you can finally learn to do just that!

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What is The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies All About?

At its core, The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies is a reference book. This isn't a piece that you're going to just read once and forget about! It's going to be a book that you're constantly referring to for information.

The authors of this book set out to inform readers about some alternatives to traditional medicine. Today's pharmaceutical industry is a force to be reckoned with. It's estimated that, globally, it'll be worth more than $1.5 trillion by 2023! But it's just not prescription drugs that people are spending money on. In the United States alone, the average household spends nearly $350 on over-the-counter drugs a year!

It hasn't always been that way.

Back before the pharmaceutical industry became what it is today, humans had to rely on natural medicine to get by. Early humans discovered a litany of herbs and plants that could benefit the body. They used those plants to treat everything from headaches to muscle pain. Unfortunately, a lot of those natural practices have been lost to the sands of time.

The Lost Book of Remedies aims to reintroduce the world to Mother Nature's natural healing abilities. The book is chock-full of natural remedies that you can use at home. With 300 pages of information, the book is capable of helping you ditch those over-the-counter drugs once and for all!

Ultimately, the Lost Book of Herbal Remedies is a how-to-guide for natural and healthy living. It helps you identify those all-important medicinal herbs. While these plants sound exotic, you might be surprised that many of them are growing in your local area! The book teaches you how to find, identify, and use those plants effectively to get the relief you're after without all of the risks. Not only that, but you'll learn how to plant and preserve herbs you can't find locally.

Natural medicine is quickly growing in popularity. With the Lost Book of Remedies, you can get ahead of the curve and see why for yourself.

MUST SEE THIS OFFICIAL SITE REPORT: The Medicinal Plants Hiding in Your Backyard

Who is Behind the Lost Book of Herbal Remedies?

The brainchild behind The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies is Claude Davis. He's a seasoned survival expert who has spent decades learning about alternative living. His expertise in the field of survival has given him some powerful insight into the healing powers of nature.

Claude Davis uses that important knowledge to teach others how to survive when the conveniences of modern life are nowhere to be found. He's authored several books and continues to be a reliable source for all things survival.

Interestingly enough, Claude's affinity for natural medicine started long before his career as a survivalist. A lot of the information in The Lost Book of Remedies was passed down to Davis from his grandfather. His grandfather served as a field doctor during World War II.

During the deadliest military conflict in history, Davis' grandfather had limited supplies to treat soldiers. Thus, he had to get creative. Many major breakthroughs and medical techniques were developed during World War II. Doctors and medics also had to turn to plants and herbs. When Davis was young, his grandfather taught him about those natural healing methods. Now, Claude Davis is passing that information onto us!

Who is Dr. Nicole Apelian?

Claude Davis didn't create the Lost Book of Herbal Remedies alone. He got help from Nicole Apelian. You might have seen Nicole Apelian on television, but she has a pretty impressive resume beyond that! Nicole Apelian has a Ph.D. focusing on Cultural Anthropology. She also spent years in the United States Peace Corps serving in southern Africa.

Like Claude Davis, natural medicine and survival are special to Dr. Nicole Apelian. After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2000, she applied her years of experience and research to her own life. She's very active in the world of natural medicine and continues to educate folks in many subjects, including conservation, wildlife, and herbalism.

Dr. Nicole Apelian and Claude Davis worked together on The Lost Book of Remedies to ensure that you're getting the most reliable and up-to-date information possible.

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How Does The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies Teach You About Natural Medicine?

Natural medicine is nothing new. There are tons of resources out there to get a bit more insight into the ways of the old world. Researchers are still analyzing ancient texts to learn more.

While those resources are fine, The Lost Book of Herbal Medicine is about more than just giving you straight facts. It's about educating you and helping you adopt a new way of thinking!

In the book, you'll find information about nearly 200 different medicinal plants. Beautiful color pictures and accurate descriptions make finding these plants in the wild a cinch. But the book takes things one step further. Instead of providing vague descriptions, The Lost Book of Remedies teaches you how they affect the body and why they are beneficial.

This is what makes The Lost Book of Herbal remedies different. It arms you with the knowledge you need to take full advantage of what those plants have to offer. The authors want you to develop a deeper understanding of natural medicine. Simply following directions and hoping for the best is no different than relying on over-the-counter medications.

By understanding how these plants work and how they interact with the body, you can create custom concoctions. Before long, you'll have a compendium of knowledge that you can fall back on whenever you need it!

The beauty of herbal remedies is that they are incredibly versatile. You can use plants in many different ways to reap their benefits. The Lost Book of Remedies teaches you how to do that, too. Learn how to harvest plant components, make teas, preserve plants for later use, and more.

What Can I Expect to Learn from the Lost Book of Herbal Remedies?

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies truly is a valuable resource for information. In its 300 pages, you're going to learn far more about plants than you could ever imagine. Not only will you learn how to identify beneficial plants in the wild, but you'll gain more insight into what they can do for your body.

The book provides a wealth of information. As we mentioned earlier, this is a book that you will continually reference. Use it to learn more about the world of natural medicine and establish your garden. Then, keep it close by so that you always know what to do when you need relief from life's ailments.

Components of The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies: What's Inside?

To make things easier for you, the authors have split the book into several sections. These sections focus on different techniques and plants, making it easy to reference the information you're after.

The Natural Remedy Guide

The book starts out with a nice introduction to natural healing. While this section may not seem important at first, it's a crucial stage in your journey to healthy living!

Here, you'll learn more about the history of natural medicine and how people use it today. It's chock-full of the pertinent information you'll use later, so make sure to take it all in!

Medicinal Herbal Reference Guide

If you're in a hurry and need to figure out which herbs you need to get relief, this section is going to be a lifesaver! It acts as a quick reference guide to some of the most useful plants. You can also find a generous collection of easy recipes.

These recipes have been passed down for generations and continue to help those seeking natural remedies. You can find familiar remedies and new techniques to expand your natural healing arsenal.

Harvesting and Application Method

Unlike standard pills, plants are very versatile. You can use them in a myriad of different ways to meet your unique needs. This section covers those techniques! It details harvesting methods and shows you which parts of the plants you need to focus your attention on.

Then, you'll learn how to preserve and use those plants effectively. The book separates these application methods into smaller subsections. Like everything else in the book, you're getting more than just plain information. You will understand which application methods are best for certain situations and why they work!

Among other methods, you'll learn how to:

  • Dry herbs
  • Make teas
  • Do oil diffusions
  • Distill plants
  • Make poultices

In-Depth Plant Guide

The meat of the book is going to cover all of the plants and herbs that you can use for natural healing. The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies gives you a ton of detailed information about plants that you can find growing around your home! Crystal-clear pictures and accurate descriptions help you spot these often-overlooked plants. You'll also learn more about what they can do and how they can benefit the body!

The interesting thing about The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies is that it covers plants from a wide range of environments. Separate sections are devoted to:

  • Backyards plants and weeds
  • Plants that you can find in forest settings
  • Beneficial trees and shrubs
  • Plans that grow in wild plains
  • Water-loving plants

Household Remedies

Last but least, the Lost Book of Herbal Remedies has a small section that focuses on natural alternatives to household products. While not directly related to natural healing, the products you use in your home have a big impact on your body!

Instead of relying on strong chemicals that produce dangerous fumes, why not use natural alternatives? In this section, you'll learn the benefits of things like natural charcoal, Epsom salts, and cayenne pepper, and so much more.

What Bonuses Come With The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies?

When you buy The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies, you're getting a couple of great extras! The first is a short book that dives into the world of medicinal gardening. It teaches you how to cultivate your own personal supply of medicinal herbs in your backyard. All you need is about 72 square feet of space! The book teaches you more about what plants you should have, how to grow the plants from seed to harvest, and more.

The second bonus you get is The Everyday Disaster Medicine Guide. Also written by Claude Davis, this book combines the author's experience with natural medicine with his years of survival expertise. The book covers several emergency situations. It teaches you how to survive and how to keep your family safe from 20 of the most common disease you might encounter during an emergency.

Watch: Discover the Forgotten Power of Plants with Dr. Nicole Apelian

The Pros and Cons of Using the Strategies in This Book

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies has a lot to offer. But, we understand that natural healing isn't for everyone. Before you pick this title up, here are some important pros and cons that come with the techniques in this book.


  • Lower risk of experiencing side effects
  • All-natural and drug-free remedies
  • Most of the featured plants are safe for everyone
  • Simple preparation methods
  • Fully customizable approach to medicine
  • Cost-effective alternative to drugs
  • May improve the overall health


  • Some plants are not going to be available in your area
  • Remedies take time to prepare
  • The effects of natural remedies may take longer to experience


Preserve the art of natural healing with The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies! This book has a world of information that's been passed down for centuries. If those remedies worked for our ancestors, they could still provide benefits today. Instead of turning to over-the-counter solutions, try your hand at a healthier alternative.

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Release ID: 17316