How Does Air Quality Impact Learning and Productivity in Schools? Air Pollution and Productivity Explained

How Does Air Quality Impact Learning and Productivity in Schools? Air Pollution and Productivity Explained

The recent United Nations Climate Summit highlighted the importance of air pollution and its effects on human health across the world. But did you know that indoor air can be up to fifty times as polluted as outdoor air in the United States?

Some school districts across the country have prioritized air quality in order to lessen the risk of t students, staff, and faculty contracting COVID-19, which spreads via airborne transmission. However, the importance of breathing clean air in schools extends far beyond the threat of the virus.

Continue reading to find out the effects of air pollution on learning and productivity in schools, as well as practical solutions for protecting students from indoor air pollution.

Why Is Indoor Air More Polluted than Outdoor Air?

There are a variety of factors that cause indoor air to be more polluted than outdoor air. According to air quality experts from Camfil, a global leader in air filtration manufacturing, engineering, and research, these reasons include:

  • Poor ventilation. Outdoor air pollution is usually dispersed by the wind, which reduces the concentration of pollutants. In this way, wind acts as a natural form of ventilation in outdoor spaces. However, indoors with inadequately ventilated spaces keep pollutants (both from outdoor and indoor sources) trapped, and the concentration of pollutants continues to increase over time. More 

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