A former professor and practicing anxiety coach, Dr Kelli Ritter has a PhD in counseling, is trained in nutrition for mental health, and is certified in Applied Quantum Biology. Kelli is also the host of the Nourished Soul Podcast where she has a series on quantum health. In this episode, she talks about how suppressing emotions can make people sick and how watching the sunrise helps make the world feel safer.
“Often people are surprised that their immune system is so connected to their emotions,” shares Dr. Kelli Ritter, quantum-certified anxiety coach and host of The Nourished Soul podcast. As a former professor and mental health focused nutritionist, Dr. Kelli has a lot of experience with the gut brain axis, or the connection between mental health and digestive health. She believes that circadian rhythm is the missing link to regulating not only physical health, but emotional health as well. In this episode, Dr. Kelli talks about the impact emotions can have on the immune system's ability to function optimally and the ways that light can be used to heal physical and emotional health concerns alike.
Listen to, or watch, the full podcast interview by Meredith Oke with Dr. Kelli Ritter on your preferred podcast channel.
In this podcast, the host covers:
What the difference is between guilt and shame
Why it is important to build up shame resilience
What the impact is of light and circadian rhythm on mental health
How socialization benefits overall health
How to recognize safety signals from nature
Why watching the sunrise is so important for regulating circadian rhythms
How going outside even in the winter is critical for reducing anxiety
What the relationship is between digestion and circadian rhythms
Why it is important to eat only while the sun is up
How sleep issues are tied to both circadian rhythm and gut health
How mental health and mitochondrial function are linked
How adding in more collagen to your diet can actually increase anxiety
How cellular hydration enables better communication within the body
How suppressing emotions can cause health issues and releasing those emotions can help people feel physically better

Podcast Quotes:
“To be companioned is very helpful when you're on a healing journey.” (17:45-17:50 | Dr. Kelli)
“For people who have mental health issues, getting red light, infrared is really important. And that red light on the abdomen and infrared going deeper to diversify that microbiome, I mean, that's huge for people. That alone can help people's moods.” (29:55-30:14 | Dr. Kelli)
“For mood, people have noticed that they don't have to be as strict with their food if they just get the circadian signaling right.” (32:21-32:31 | Dr. Kelli)
“Just because you don't have sleep issues, doesn't mean you don't need to fix your circadian rhythms, because a lot of us don't even realize how much better our sleep could be when we start fixing the light.” (35:08-35:19 | Dr. Kelli)
“Food can be a big piece, but not nearly as important as quantum health strategies.” (39:11-39:17 | Dr. Kelli)
“Resilience is staying curious about what's actually happening.” (57:45-57:48 | Dr. Kelli)
“Often people are surprised that their immune system is so connected to their emotions.” (1:00:20-1:00:27 | Dr. Kelli)
“When you're trying to shove things down, you'll get more immune system responses to things.” (1:00:27-1:00:32 | Dr. Kelli)
“Love is the medicine and these safety signals are the way to have the frequency of love.” (1:07:32-1:07:38 | Dr. Kelli)
About the Podcast Guest:
To learn more about Dr. Kelli Ritter visit her website (Nourished Soul).
Check out Dr. Kelli Ritter’s podcast for more enlightening conversations. (Nourished Soul Podcast).
About the Podcast Host:
To learn more about Meredith Oke visit the Quantum Biology Collective website (Quantum Biology Collective).
About The Quantum Biology Collective Podcast:
The Quantum Biology Collective is a group of pioneering health professionals who study, apply and explain the emerging field of quantum biology: a new paradigm of understanding how human health REALLY works that is light years beyond the current established medical model. From the vast research showing that circadian rhythms regulate every important process in the body to emerging research that quantum mechanical processes are taking place in our cells—this new world is the missing link that you’re searching for, whether you’re a health practitioner, or someone trying to optimize your own health and your family’s.
We feature a variety of experts, from medical doctors to researchers to health coaches, who all have first-hand experience applying these principles—and getting incredible results—in their health practices and in their own lives.
To become a QBC member and get invites to live deep dives & access to our video library: www.quantumhealthtv.com
To take our 8 week practitioner certification in the science of quantum biology so that you can add it to your existing area of expertise: www.appliedquantumbiology.com
Listen to, or watch, the full podcast interview by Meredith Oke with Dr. Kelli Ritter on your preferred podcast channel.
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Published by: Dax Hamman
Source: PodAmp.fm
Release ID: 626921