Virus Filtration Experts Camfil USA Get Technical About the Fight Against Airborne Pathogens

Virus Filtration Experts Camfil USA Get Technical About the Fight Against Airborne Pathogens

According to long time clean-air experts Camfil USA, airborne pathogens that cause everything from COVID-19 to the common cold require better strategies and smarter technology.

Riverdale, NJ - Human beings have been battling diseases spread through the air for thousands of years. Despite success against many; eliminating common nuisance sicknesses like the common cold or worse illnesses like the flu have eluded us. The manner in which viruses and other disease causing pathogens travel within the air we breathe needs to be more fully understood.  

“We should all remember that viruses and similar microscopic organisms are by far the most abundant species on the planet. They’re absolutely everywhere,” explained Mark Davidson,  Camfil USA Marketing Manager and Technical Materials. “If infected, a human can introduce them into the air by sneezing, coughing, talking or even when we simply breathe. Some are light enough to remain suspended in the air until air currents move them around a room. Heavier ones fall to nearby surfaces where they can be inadvertently transferred elsewhere after we touch them. Other viruses and pathogens can be transferred from person to person through blood or other bodily fluids. 

Davidson went on to explain that other deadly outbreaks in the past were from viruses not that different in nature to SARS-CoV-2, the viruses that cause COVID-19. Measles, rabies, herpes, and Ebola are just a few of the diseases caused by viral scourges our species battles against.  While there are distinct differences in how these viruses attack the human system, they are linked by their ability to travel through a population not fully prepared to defend against them. 

“Coronaviruses like the one causing  COVID-19 are submicron in size and can remain active while insulated within a respiratory droplet invisible to the human eye.  Smaller droplets can remain suspended in the air increasing the chance to infect a nearby person,” Davidson added. “This is one reason why the lack of a comprehensive HVAC program is a real problem for businesses these days. Without proper air filtration and ventilation, the concentration of these microbes can increase without anyone recognizing the dangers until it’s too late.”

For some American businesses, like hospitals, food and beverage, or microchip production, precisely controlled air is an absolute requirement . . . whether the goal is to filter out health-threatening microorganisms or airborne gases and elements that can cause damage to sensitive electrical equipment. 

But for the majority of businesses around the world, upgrading on-site air ventilation systems is emerging as a possible route to make their facilities a safer place in the wake of COVID-19. High MERV-A rated air filters, HEPA filters in stand-alone room air purifiers or even larger, ceiling-mounted air cleaners are all options that can be installed as a way to more effectively combat viral infections. 

According to Camfil USA, a clean, regularly maintained ventilation system with MERV-A rated filters,  is a more affordable way to maintain hygienic conditions.


Camfil is the world leader in air filtration and clean air solutions, with 23 production plants and R&D centers in the Americas, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region. For more information, visit us online at or call us toll-free at 888.599.6620.

Media Contact: 

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

T: 888.599.6620 


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Source: Camfil Air FILTERS
Release ID: 14091