South Florida’s Whilly Bermudez — A Candid Interview

Sarah Usman, a freelance writer, recently interviewed Whilly Bermudez, an American entrepreneur, podcaster, and author.

On the 15th of August 2021. Sarah Usman, a freelance writer, had an interview with popular American Media Entrepreneur, Podcaster, & Author, affectionately known as "WB." I had been hearing his name for some time, and I saw that his new podcast ventures were trending in Miami, so I decided to contact him for an interview.

She asked him the following interview questions:

1. As a Media Entrepreneur, what's your biggest challenge?

"I think that the biggest challenge is navigating the very saturated world of media. Coming up with good ideas is the easy part for me, but then seeing how there are so many silly concepts out there that actually do better than the ones that were really well thought out is disheartening sometimes."

2. How did you become a Podcaster?

"I was actually given a radio show in the evenings first. Even though I had no training, I tried it, and many people thought that I was pretty good at it. So once the station was sold, many of the on-air personalities had to leave. After that, people would ask me if I was going to go to another station or what I was going to do. I gave it some thought, and, in a few months, I had started to develop my current 2 podcast concepts. And in a little more than two years, I had launched them."

3. What is your biggest fear as an Author?

"Well, my published work was a children's book (WB & The 10 Good Things) where I really just wanted to put it out and give it to the kids free of cost. I think that I've donated close to 50,000 copies since they started to print. But the concern for creating any work of art is always the same, which is hoping that the public will see what you see and actually like it too."

4. Who inspires you the most?

"I honestly don't have any 1 person that inspires me. I actually get inspired by bits and pieces of different people that have faced adversity and achieved."

5. What makes you start writing for children?

"I did it because I wanted the books to be a vehicle that charities and non-profits could use to fundraise. That was really the main intention. And since the first one, I actually wrote a sequel book but still haven't found the right time to release it."

6. Would you consider yourself spiritual or religious? Why?

"I would say so, yes. I am very Christian indeed- more so than any friend that I have known. I think it's something that comes from deep within me. I try to live my life in a way where I can make God proud of me and not be disappointed. This is probably why I very often always try to do the right thing. I stay away from any drama, I don't set out to hurt anyone, I just want to help, but let me be clear, I'm no saint. But I am directed by my faith, and my decision-making is based on that."

*I found that there are many layers to Whilly, and he is really a deep and engaging man. He is very confident yet very humble still. I can see why people gravitate towards him and all that he does.

Media Details:

Whilly Bermudez

Miami, FL

This content was first published by KISS PR Brand Story. Read here >> South Florida’s Whilly Bermudez — A Candid Interview

Release ID: 22233