AG Shapiro to U.S. Attorney General Garland: Firearm Regulations Must Include Ghost Guns - Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General

HARRISBURG—Attorney General Josh Shapiro has led a multi-state coalition in submitting a comment to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) that encourages the ATF to finalize regulations that would make clear that “ghost guns” are firearms under federal law. By finalizing regulations, the ATF would dramatically reduce the availability of untraceable guns and would take a significant step in addressing the current gun violence epidemic.

AG Shapiro has previously called on U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and federal lawmakers to close loopholes that allow prohibited purchasers to buy weapon parts kits and “80% percent receivers” that can easily be assembled into functioning guns.

“In 2019, my office sounded the alarm. Guns assembled from kits are becoming the weapon of choice for criminals and are fueling the gun violence epidemic in Pennsylvania,” said Attorney General Shapiro. “The proposed rule change will close a loophole that gun dealers have eagerly exploited to sell products that allow people to quickly make untraceable guns at home. I call on the ATF and Attorney General Garland to take action now.”

The proposed rule, Definition of ‘Frame or Receiver’ and Identification of Firearms, updates the ATF’s interpretations of “firearm” and “frame or receiver” as used in the Gun Control Act of 1968 to clarify that weapon kits and incomplete weapon parts, both of which can be easily converted into functioning guns, are covered by the Act. The...

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Source: NewsService