Trump's conduct needs a federal investigation - CNN

Donald Ayer served as United States attorney and principal deputy solicitor general in the Ronald Reagan administration and as deputy attorney general under President George H.W. Bush. Norman Eisen, a former ambassador to the Czech Republic and former President Barack Obama's "ethics czar," was special impeachment counsel to the House Judiciary Committee in 2019-2020. The opinions expressed here are their own. View more opinion at CNN.

(CNN)As alarming testimony and facts have continued to emerge about former President Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the election that he lost, a lively debate has unfolded. Experts are battling over whether and how the former president can and should be held to account.

We believe that the full scope of Trump's conduct must be investigated by federal authorities, for the same reasons and in the same way they usually investigate credible evidence of major wrongdoing. But we recognize that much is not yet known, and that charging decisions are premature.

Attorney General Merrick Garland's lifetime of dedication to the even-handed, apolitical administration of justice, combined with his performance of the job to date, make clear that he is well suited to oversee the process and make the ultimate decisions.

On one side of the debate, legal scholars and former prosecutors have called for a federal criminal investigation on the grounds that it is essential to defend the integrity of our system of government. They point in part to evidence...

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