Merrick Garland ‘declined’ to prosecute Trump appointee caught violating conflict-of-interests rules: report - Raw Story

Attorney General Merrick Garland declined to prosecute a Trump appointee for violating conflict-of-interest regulations while deciding employment law cases, Bloomberg Law reports.

"National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) member William Emanuel, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, recently was interviewed by the U.S. Justice Department over allegations from the NLRB inspector general that he participated in five labor law cases involving a company or companies in which he owned stock," Bloomberg Law reported, citing "eight sources briefed on the matter."

"U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland declined to prosecute Emanuel, whose term on the NLRB expires Friday, said three of the sources, most of whom spoke on condition of anonymity because they didn't have approval to disclose private conversations," Bloomberg Law reported.

In 2018, the NLRB overturned a ruling due to Emanuel's conflict-of-interest.

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