Garland ‘give-back’ marks school return - Sampson Independent

Politicians and local commissioner came together and donated to help get the 40 plus backpacks that were distributed at ‘Back to School Giveaway.’ Pictured, from left, are: Ralph Sampson, Jason Minnicozzi, Denton Lee, La Tonya Montgomery Gillim, Kevin Mote and Letha Lee.

Ed and La Tonya Montgomery Gillim, founders of The Gilim Foundation, sits with Steve Miller, who donated the bicycles, after the end of a successful event.

Michael B. Hardison | Sampson Independent

GARLAND — With Monday marking the first day of school for a lot of students in Sampson County, the fun times of summer break are over. Members of The Gillim Foundation and Pacman’s Barber Shop partnered up to make sure had a celebration before going back.

Giving families one last fun event before returning to the school routine was the purpose of the “Back to School Giveaway” event. Taking place this past Saturday on the grounds of the soon-to-reopen Garland Shirt Factory, food, games, prizes and giveaways were all a part of the festivities.

While fun and games, the event also served the purpose of giving back to the community, especially to those who are less fortunate.

La Tonya Montgomery Gillim, co-founder of The Gillim Foundation, shared that sentiment.

“I see that there is a need — we are very rural here and there are not a lot of jobs here, especially with the Shirt Company not reopen yet,” Gillim said.

“Because of that, there is a need. People are still struggling and, with the unemployment benefits...

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