Man pleads guilty to '17 murder, gets 28-year prison term - Hot Springs Sentinel

A local man originally charged with capital murder in the 2017 shooting death of another man was sentenced to 28 years in prison Monday after pleading guilty to a reduced charge of first-degree murder.

Tyler Lamar-Malik McKisick, 22, who has remained in custody since his arrest Oct. 3, 2017, pleaded guilty in Garland County Circuit Court to the first-degree murder charge for the Aug. 22, 2017, shooting death of Timothy Chase Humphries, 22, of Hot Springs, and was sentenced to 27 years in prison, and to a felony count of fleeing and was sentenced to one year, to run consecutively for a total of 28 years.

An alleged accomplice, Gerrard Richard Wells, 22, was arrested the same day as McKisick on a charge of capital murder in Humphries' death, but the charge against him was withdrawn on Sept. 24, 2019, for "further investigation."

McKisick was set to stand trial Monday but opted to plead guilty to the charge instead that morning while jury selection was still in process. He could have faced the death penalty or up to life in prison on the original capital murder charge.

Cheryl Humphries, the victim's mother, told The Sentinel-Record Wednesday she was "relieved in a way" at the plea deal because "it's been four years now and this way we didn't have to see all the photos and hear what happened to (my son) if we had gone to trial."

She said she "had hoped she would be able to forgive (McKisick) by now," but his behavior at Monday's hearing made it hard. She noted he kept smiling...

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