
Meet The Lawyers On Deck At The Elizabeth Holmes Trial - Law360

Law360 (August 30, 2021, 12:02 PM EDT) -- More than three years have passed since Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes and another executive were charged with a smoke-and-mirrors scheme to make a heralded blood test system appear to work. Before the scandal, Holmes had risen to Silicon Valley celebrity status as a Stanford dropout who'd found the key to a life-saving technology that attracted hundreds of millions of dollars from investors. The trial, expected to begin Tuesday after delays brought on by the pandemic and Holmes' pregnancy, promises to be the most-watched white collar case of the year. Here, Law360 Pulse introduces the lawyers leading the opposing legal teams:. . . Stay ahead of the curve In the legal profession, information is the key to success. You have to know what’s happening with clients, competitors, practice areas, and industries. Law360 provides the intelligence you need to remain an expert and beat the competition. Access to case data within articles (numbers, filings, courts, nature of suit, and more.) Access to attached documents such as briefs, petitions, complaints, decisions, motions, etc. Create custom alerts for specific article and case topics and so much more!

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