
Elizabeth Holmes' Fake Voice: Does Theranos' Founder Deepen Her Voice? - Market Realist

Especially now that her fraud trial is underway, people are still talking about the long-standing speculation that Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of the disgraced blood-testing company Theranos, fakes her deep voice.
“What’s the over-under odds on whether or not Elizabeth Holmes uses her put-on, deep voice or her normal speaking voice in the trial?” one Twitter user wrote.
“If Elizabeth Holmes takes the stand and starts using a little girl’s voice, she will be my hero forever,” another person tweeted.
In 2019, Concordia University assistant professor of psychology Jillian O’Connor reflected on Holmes’ voice in an interview with The Cut.
“This whole [Holmes] situation, the image manipulation, dressing like Steve Jobs, trying to sound a particular way—it sounds like an awful lot went into facade,” O’Connor said. “Imagine the effort, the training, the strain, and the concentration that would take, day in and day out, just to control your voice while going about your everyday life.”
Is there proof of Elizabeth Holmes’ fake voice?
According to The Cut, videos of Holmes changing voices tend to disappear from YouTube shortly after going live. But one oft-cited example is a 2005 NPR interview in which Holmes seems to catch herself speaking at a higher register and shifts to a lower register mid-sentence. (Hear that moment in the video from The View below.)
“She had kind of let her guard down, is the theory here, so you suddenly hear something that’s a little bit more natural,” Tina...

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