
Argument With Girlfriend Leads to Aggravated Robbery Charge - Talk 1340

On Sunday, September 12th, a Lubbock man was arrested after it's said that an argument with his girlfriend escalated to the point of being classified an aggravated robbery.

Reports say that the boyfriend, now identified as Nathaniel Hernandez, came over to the woman's house to pick up tools that he had left there beforehand. It's said that Hernandez noticed the front door wasn't locked and began arguing with the woman, asking her where she had been for the day.

The woman claims that she told Hernandez to leave, but he refused, even at one point standing in front of the door to block her from leaving herself. Hernandez allegedly pushed the woman all the way to her daughter's room, where he wrapped his hands around her and squeezed.

The woman claims that at multiple points, she tried to call her grandmother on her phone but Hernandez took it away from her and pointed a loaded gun at her head.

Hernandez was taken into custody and charged with aggravated robbery, tampering with physical evidence and unlawful restraint.


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Source: NewsService