Local artist June South Robinson brings color to the reality of COVID | Loop Cayman Islands - Loop News Cayman

British-born, Jamaican raised, educator and artist June South Robinson will be exhibiting her latest collection, aptly entitled Quietude, at Cayman Handmade Collective. The subject— a depiction of the emotional reality of COVID-19.

Already known for her soulful and poignant creations, her most recent pieces were produced during COVID-lockdown last year, depicting the many emotions that she experienced during that time.

According to South Robinson, her works revisit the angst of being confined to her home alone, with no company other than her cat-- who is usually in hiding.

“And the ink sang out to her subdued soul and then the joyful colours came out…and she felt lifted,” said South Robinson in a recent social media post about her work. It is evident that Robinson’s artistic proclivity has been therapeutic during a period that has affected Cayman’s mental health on a collective level.

Local leaders, including Governor, H.E. Martyn Roper, have acknowledged the grim reality of mental health struggles due to social isolation. Despite being largely shielded from the global angst of COVID-19, we too have been isolated within the protected walls of our beloved Cayman.

With breaches of quarantine, community spread for the first time in over 400 days, variants of the virus being identified in neighbouring countries, and the ever-elusive border reopening and vaccination targets, residents of the Cayman Islands are not immune to the mental strains and drains of the pandemic.


Read Full Story: https://cayman.loopnews.com/content/local-artist-june-south-robinson-brings-color-reality-covid

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