
Tentacle Announces The Launch Of Its Software Application To Modernize The Information Security Industry's Archaic And Inefficient Ways - TechDecisions

Tentacle's core application is a highly configurable data management and security assessment tool that helps organizations build and manage the posture of their information security program. At, organizations are able to capture, structure, and selectively showcase their information security program details with far greater efficiency and effectiveness, leaving behind the normal practices of spreadsheet assessments and redundant information requests. "The market space we're entering has been starved of innovation and the benefits of today's networked technology. What we are solving is pervasive and growing. We're not just trying to help thousands of enterprises, rather millions of them."

Tentacle helps streamline the security assessment process for all parties. Organizations being assessed can save time by sharing responses to security questions that have already been answered, attach relevant documents, and update as necessary.

"The daily threats to all of our systems are only growing rapidly - no matter your business. For PSG specifically, our ability to ensure that our 70 portfolio companies are taking the right steps to keep themselves protected is not only critical for our investments, but also crucial to the ongoing growth and security of each partner we are invested in," says Peter Troost, Managing Director at PSG.

The importance of information security management and the security assessment process continues to grow.

About Tentacle: Tentacle is an information security startup based in Plano, TX that has developed a configurable data management tool that will allow organizations to improve their information security programs and overall security posture. The core Tentacle product allows enterprises of all sizes to manage all details related to their internal security posture, track and monitor similar information for their partners and vendors, centralize the storage and management of all program related documentation, increase overall connectivity with key partners, establish multiple internal projects for tracking independent security requirements, and continually benchmark all activities against today's top industry frameworks governing the information security space.


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Source: NewsService