
Think Power Solutions To Address Edison Electric Institute's Fall 2021 Transmission, Distribution, Metering & Mutual Assistance Conference - Yahoo Finance

Think Power Solutions' CEO and Director of Client Delivery to discuss technology and processes for use in Construction Oversight, Disaster Response, and PMO

PLANO, Texas, Sep. Think Power's CEO Hari Vasudevan will be the co-facilitator of the second session titled 'Substations, Transmission Line, and Distribution Line Projects That Enable Decarbonization' - Transmission Lines and Substations in the Transmission Track to be held on October 5th from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Eastern.

The conference developed exclusively by, and for, electric company experts, will include two days of addressing key engineering and operations issues important to transmission, distribution, metering and mutual assistance professionals. These sessions are designed to allow attendees the opportunities to engage with speakers and subject matter experts.

"The EEI organization is one that Think Power Solutions has been intimately involved with for a long time. We know that the TDM&MA is a great place to gather industry information and peer network with so many tied to the electric utility industry," said Hari Vasudevan, CEO and Founder of Think Power Solutions. "We're looking forward to sharing our expertise in these two conference sessions and meeting attendees that might want to find out more about the value of Think Power Solutions."



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Source: NewsService