Driving the Stake Through Emotional Vampires - The New York Times

"Who do you need to be free of? I want you to visualize that partner."

I had to pick just one?

I chose an old boyfriend who had occupied prime real estate in my mind for too long. "Sweetheart, your hair has no shape to it," he'd say, or, "You could stand to lose a few pounds." And, when I hadn't eaten all day, the truly mortifying "Oh, darling, your breath!"

I could improve on dental hygiene but I was never going to morph into one of the tall, athletic women he favored.

I did my part and conjured him up, as instructed. "Then take the part you're left with and rub it into your belly, so you don't create any psychic wounds."

I cut through the imaginary cord and sent him on his way. "He'll feel the disconnect instantly."

I doubted that.

I wish I could say that the cord-cutting exercise fixed all my relationships with men.

I got better at letting go of relationship baggage but couldn't let go of my fascination with shamans.

source: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/29/style/driving-the-stake-through-emotional-vampires.html

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