
Not just Texas Instruments: How DFW is getting more traction with semiconductors - Dallas Business Journal - Dallas Business Journal

North Texas is strengthening its presence as companies from outside the area invest, and regional firms expand their reach. "Modeling devices using computers is a critical component to process and device improvement."

Some of the sponsors provide commercial "Technology computer-aided design" options to semiconductor companies, Vandenberghe said. "Texas Instruments remains one of the leading semiconductor companies with a big part of their research and development and production in the Dallas region."

Qorvo has roughly 1,500 workers in the Dallas region, making it a good-sized employer for North Texas. The company, which made North Texas its Infrastructure & Defense Products headquarters did roughly $4 billion of sales in fiscal-year 2020 with a stock that's delivered roughly $19 billion in market capitalization recently.

In a statement announcing the monthly results, John Neuffer, SIA president and CEO, saw a robust desire in the sector "Across all major regional markets and semiconductor product categories."

Plano's Diodes, a company that provides semiconductor products in autos, consumer electronics and other areas, has seen its fortunes rise of late.

It's a strategic location for design and engineering operations, DeBoer said, as the region has a high concentration of tech companies. In a filing in August, the company listed Dallas for one of its principal properties where there is about 80,000 square feet for engineering, sales and administrative operations.


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Source: NewsService