Don G. King has created a company focusing on engaging human capital with high-tech, high-touch solutions. The company mission is to improve the quality of life for people within the supplemental and the contingent workforce bases. Our passion and purpose are symbiotic, he says; each one drives the other.
Listen to the complete interview of Don G. King with Adam Torres of Mission Matters Business Podcast.
How did you get started?
King has been in the staffing business for more than 40 years. He says it’s been an interesting journey to see its evolution throughout his roles in the traditional staffing realm and, now, on the leading edge of workforce innovation. His company, Impact Workforce Solutions, helps companies implement an optimized workforce strategy combining proven solutions supported by technology and analytics. Further, Impact helps companies with compliance issues, taxes, benefits, payroll and more with a variety of innovative solutions meant to benefit employees and employers alike.
Impact Workforce Solutions:
King says the company produced transformational outcomes so substantial that the Fortune 100 client partner commissioned a Six Sigma study to validate the results. The company that executed a six-month Six Sigma study saw their staffing turnover reduced from 67 percent to 30 percent; 12 months later, down to 20 percent, and eventually even lower than 15 percent. Substantial cost savings and residual benefits added to the value proposition. Those irrefutable outcomes, he says, helped the business accelerate growth.
Impact Workforce Optimization’s Four Key Offerings
King’s company offers a quartet of solutions, each tailored to meet clients’ specific needs. The first is Impact Workforce Optimization, which delivers the flexibility of a secondary core workforce, the loyalty of a directly employed workforce, and optimized economic value in a single solution stack. Core2 is a unique retention management solution designed to reduce turnover and stabilize the workforce by improving the quality of life of the workers with a full-time job inclusive of a robust benefits package, Clarity Workforce Analytics is a vendor management system providing contingent workforce and supplier management along with actionable data in real time, giving insights into workforce performance. Lastly, the Impact Professional Employment offering is what King calls “a small business owner’s best resource” with over 20 years of success in professional employment solutions.
"We provide variable benefits to our group just the same as the core employees enjoy at big organizations, to keep improving the quality of life for them," King says.
The differentiator, he says, is what Impact Workforce Solutions does daily on-site, including an array of operational processes that lead to positive outcomes like decreased turnover, increased productivity, and happier people with full-time jobs.
What has been the evolution of Impact Workforce Solutions?
Managing all of the above can quickly become burdensome for a company, King explains, and with many HR departments being downsized over the last decade, solutions are sorely needed. Most companies struggle to engage their direct workforce, but sadly often overlook the secondary workforce. This is where Impact places it’s focused attention.
The goal of Impact Workforce Solutions is to deliver proven solutions, already built to work well and fit seamlessly into what clients need. He says they can save 10 to 20 percent of their labor costs compared to a company's direct carry costs, noting that when an employee wins, the company wins, too. Impact Workforce Solutions does not require additional budgeting as the company shifts the funds already being spent into an “optimized” strategic blueprint that produces transformational outcomes.
What sets these solutions apart from the rest?
“We're achieving a strategic talent acquisition process that covers the whole spectrum from an entry-level, mid-level and higher level,” King says, “and it's working in difficult markets, too." These holistic solutions are revolutionary, he says, in the outcomes they deliver time and again.
What's next?
“We're segmenting to allow a targeted solution stack into verticals such as aviation, logistics, manufacturing, and call centers," King says. The company currently has a presence in 24 states, working with great people across the country.
"It has been a great journey, and each day, we learn more from our clients, internal team, and our associates on how to improve the model," he says.
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