
Insoo Park a Radon Expert is Raising Awareness for Radon Gas - Podcast Interview by Qamar Zaman

Host Qamar Zaman interviews Insoo Park, CEO & Founder of EcoSense & Creator of the Times Magazine Award-Winning EcoCube.

Subject Matter Podcast Host Qamar Zaman interviewed the founder of EcoSense Insoo Park. EcoSense is a Silicon Valley company that is raising public awareness for radon gas and trying to create a healthy lifestyle.

There are a few important figures for Radon as per EPA estimation. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, and in the US, about 21,000 people die from Radon caused lung cancer. One in every 15 homes in the US has a higher rate of levels than the EPA action level. The problem is that Radon is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and unidentifiable to the human senses, and you need to have a unique device to detect it. This is what EcoSense is about and EcoCube, its solution, can help reduce the number of deaths due to Radon.

Listen to the full story of how Insoo Park is fighting the silent and deadly killer Radon on your favorite podcast channel.

Apple iTunes, Amazon Music, Google Podcast , Spotify & YouTube

About EcoCube, one of the Top 100 Inventions of 2021 by TIME

EcoCube is simple to use. Unbox it, and plug this device into a power outlet. In 13 minutes, EcoCube gives a reliable result in a controlled environment. With an integrated app and Wi-Fi, EcoCube can be used to check radon levels at any place remotely.

You need to monitor radon levels for 90 days to see if the levels are consistently high. If you see high radon levels in your house or office buildings, you can connect with the mitigators from the app with the Find Professional button to fix the problem.

The Interview covers:

  • How big is the Radon problem?

  • Why are non-smokers at a higher risk from radon?

  • Which states in the U.S. are the most affected by Radon?

  • How do EcoSense and EcoQube help solve the problem?

About Insoo Park

A strategic business executive with a proven track record spanning more than 25 years, Insoo Park is the Founder and CEO of Ecosense. As a key sales and business development executive, he has been an integral component of three silicon valley start-up companies - all of which have either gone public or been acquired by publicly traded companies. Insoo Park is the founder of EcoSense, a silicon valley company that’s raising awareness for radon and its impact on non-smokers.


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About Qamar Zaman - Host of Subject Matter Expert Podcast

Qamar Zaman is a host of the Subject Matter Expert Podcast who interviews others experts around the world on his show.

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This content was first published by KISS PR Brand Story. Read here >> Insoo Park a Radon Expert is Raising Awareness for Radon Gas - Podcast Interview by Qamar Zaman

Release ID: 184096