How To Throw A Disc Golf Disc: 5 Simple Tips For Beginners

Golf stores like Disc Golf Source make it easy to find beginner-friendly discs and are a wonderful resource for anyone new to the sport of disc golf.

While traditional golf has increased in popularity over the years, disc golf has also gained tremendous popularity and has become one of the most easily accessible sports in the United States and Europe. However, it is a challenging game that can be daunting for beginners to learn and understand.

Although it seems complicated, it is actually quite easy to learn and can be quite addicting once you are proficient. There are also online disc golf stores like Disc Golf Source that make it easy to find beginner-friendly discs and are a wonderful resource.

The most significant challenge that beginners face is learning how to correctly throw a disc and getting it to fly straight. If you are brand new to disc golf and want to learn some throwing basics, I've put together a few tips that cover the basics.

Learning the Basic Techniques

Most of the top professional players don't have a complicated throwing style; they are just incredibly good at the basics. That being said, try not to overcomplicate your throw with too many movements. The power should come from your hips, not your arms, so try to rotate your body at the hips when throwing.

Releasing the Disc

While throwing the disc, it is important to keep it flat and low, usually about 10 feet off of the ground. Swooping the hand low and releasing the disc at an upward angle will cause it to violently veer off to the left, so try to keep your arm parallel to the ground throughout your throw.

It is important to reach as far back as you can before releasing the disc, and you'll want to pull it across your body like you're trying to start a lawnmower. This will help compensate for the natural fade at the end of its flight, help keep you more balanced, and add more distance to your drives.

Of course, it goes without saying that you'll want to properly stretch your whole body before attempting to throw a disc. You will be using muscles that you normally wouldn't, and your range of motion can be physically jarring if you aren't used to it.

Practicing a Routine

As I said before, disc golf is a sport that can be hard to learn, and the results for some beginners can be random. To mitigate the randomness in your throws, you need to make a practice routine that keeps you more consistent and helps your body build muscle memory. Once you start perfecting your routine, you will notice your form slowly starting to improve, which makes the game so much more fun.

Play With Experienced Players

One of the best ways to improve your game is to play with people who are better than you. There are thousands of disc golf clubs all over the country, so try to find one and start playing with better players.

By following these basic disc golf throwing tips and practicing on a regular basis, you may become more addicted to disc golf than I am!

This content was first published by KISS PR Brand Story. Read here >> How To Throw A Disc Golf Disc: 5 Simple Tips For Beginners

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