Furniture For Life Provides Insight on The Cost of Massage Chairs and Other “Value” Considerations

How Much Is a Massage Chair?

The Cost of Massage Chairs

No doubt about it: A high-quality massage chair is a significant purchase. Consequently, you may wonder, “Is it worth it?” That’s a great question and one consumers should ask themselves—about massage chairs and every other major purchase.

If you want to buy with confidence, you should do your homework before you lay down the payment. Let’s run some numbers to determine the real cost and value of a luxury massage chair.

What Are You Paying for Massages?

Let’s say you get a weekly massage and visit the chiropractor or physical therapist every month. That’s not uncommon for people who want to feel healthy and energized. In other words, you are accustomed to paying for the care and maintenance of your one-and-only body. If that’s the case, you probably are spending $100 to $150 a week (and maybe more depending on where you live) for these services.

At 52 weeks, that puts your expenses at $5,000 to $8,000 per year. Now, maybe you don’t go that often. Still, the monetary outlay will probably surprise you when you stop to think about it. That’s especially true if you’re in the habit of paying for the services and no longer consciously register the costs.

Next, consider the cost of a top-quality massage chair with the best options and features available. It will run you $6,000 to $10,000. That’s a sum that will certainly get your attention. But in a little over one year, even the top-of-the-line chair will have paid for itself. So, you really have to ask yourself two questions: “How much is a massage chair?” and “What am I paying every week/month/year for the services a massage chair can provide?”

Also, beware low-cost ($1,000-5,000) massage chairs that appear to have all the same features as more expensive massage chairs. You will likely find that the differences lie beneath the surface in the quality of construction, warranty length and coverage, and the feel and effectiveness of the massage.

Massage Chair Cost vs. Value

When you compare the value of an advanced massage chair to its cost, it gets even better. Your massage chair is available 24/7/365. Early in the morning, late at night, on weekends and holidays—your “massage therapist” is waiting for you. And you spend zero time and nothing on gas or vehicle wear-and-tear in getting to your massage chair. Tallying those costs helps you see that your massage chair is an even better investment.

You should also keep this in mind: with massage, as with so many actions you take to care for your body and mind, frequency matters. Just as you wouldn’t exercise once a week and expect to see great results, massage once per month or even once per week is far less effective than more regular intervals of sessions.

We all understand this intuitively. Most people would choose to see their massage therapist far more often if it were more cost-effective, convenient, and less demanding on time. A high-quality massage chair checks all of these boxes.

How Much for a Massage Chair: Other “Value” Considerations

When considering a massage chair purchase, it’s also important to understand other benefits from working with Furniture For Life. This includes things like the warranty you get from top manufacturers and the financing we can provide. Plus, we offer a 90-day, risk-free in-home trial, a free 5-year extended warranty, and free delivery on all our chairs.

That means your initial expense won’t break the bank, and you’ll have the assurance of a dependable and durable product.

If you’ve never had a massage and are wondering, “How much does a massage chair cost?” your assessment will be a little different. But you should understand that the combination of multiple air cells and mechanisms working in concert in a full body massage chair can cover far more real estate than a massage therapist’s two hands in a much shorter period. That makes a chair massage perfect for those times when you’re in a rush but desperately need some body work. A leisurely massage is a wonderful thing, but a thorough-yet-concise session can also be fantastic!

So, how much is a massage chair? A high quality massage chair costs at least $6,000, but anyway you look at it, a luxury massage chair is a great investment in your health and happiness.

Helpful Massage Chair Financing Options

For far less monthly than the out-of-pocket costs of visits to massage therapists or other bodywork professionals, you can have a massage chair in your living room…or den…or (better yet) your bedroom.

Even the top massage chairs will cost you less than $200 per month for a fixed period if you qualify for one of our massage chair financing programs. Best of all, most financing programs are offered at ZERO COST to you. Your payments to a massage therapist? They deliver a short-term benefit but no long-term return.

For more information, visit our financing options page.

About Furniture For Life
Get the ultimate in comfort and quality with luxury massage chairs, zero gravity recliners, ergonomic office chairs, and mattresses from Furniture For Life. Whether you shop online or in-person at one of our stores or galleries, a friendly and knowledgeable Comfort Consultant can help you find the perfect chair for your needs.

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