Google Confirms: Quality Is Foremost Factor In Search Indexing - Search Engine Journal

Quality content is the top factor influencing Google's indexing and crawling decisions, per a discussion in a recent podcast.

  • Quality affects everything in search, especially indexing.
  • However, quality content doesn't guarantee high rankings.
  • Removing low quality content can help improve Google's perception of a site.

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Quality is a critical factor influencing nearly every aspect of search, according to a recent discussion between John Mueller and Gary Illyes of Google’s Search Relations team.

During the recent “Search Off the Record” podcast, the two delved into quality’s role in everything from crawling and indexing to ranking.

While quality content doesn’t guarantee high rankings, it can impact how Google interacts with a site.

Additionally, the conversation dispelled common SEO myths and clarified that affiliate sites can produce quality content.

Here are the highlights from the latest podcast episode.

Quality Affects Every Aspect of Search

According to Illyes, quality is a significant factor in all search systems, influencing everything from sitemaps to ranking.

“Quality affects pretty much everything that the Search systems do,” Illyes explained, emphasizing the breadth of quality’s role from sitemaps to ranking.


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Published by: Book Club
Source: NewsService