Ukraine's Nuclear Leap: Embracing AP1000 Technology

Ukraine's Nuclear Leap: Embracing AP1000 Technology

Ukraine will be the first in Europe to build nuclear power units using American technology. What does it mean?

The country's nuclear power industry has taken an epochal step forward. On December 17, 2023, Energoatom and Westinghouse Electric Company signed an agreement on the purchase of equipment for Khmelnytskа NPP power unit 5. It will be built using U.S. AP1000 technology. According to our joint with partners plan, a total of nine such power units are to be built. The first two are at the Khmelnytska NPP.

Why is it important for Ukraine?

The nuclear industry in the current realities is almost the only reliable way to meet the needs of the general public and the economy with a sufficient amount of affordable energy. Due to NPP operation, we have light and heat in our homes despite rocket attacks. Additionally, we can keep the tariff for the public twice as low as the market rate.

This is crucial both for increasing the fleet of our nuclear power units and for the modernization of nuclear technologies. Nuclear power plants are the main source of energy in Ukraine: they generate up to 55% of all electricity needed by the country, and after the victory, during the period of the country's recovery, the need for electricity will only increase. The construction of new power units provides an opportunity to strengthen the stability of our energy system and the energy independence of the state. And there is no equally powerful alternative to nuclear generation for the time being and shortly.

The war showed who are true friends and reliable partners. We have already abandoned russian fuel and spare parts and put an end to russian influence on Ukrainian nuclear technologies. Therefore, we are further strengthening cooperation with American partners in this area.

It is also essential that nuclear energy is safe. The "green" transition to a carbon-free future is not just a fashion trend, but a way for humanity to survive. Therefore, Ukraine should keep up with progress, and the AP1000 technology is one of the elements of the clean and independent future of our country.

The reactors in question are Gen III+ nuclear installations, which are safer and have better load-following capabilities. The actual capacity of each AP1000 unit is more than 1100 MW, and this is currently one of the most advanced technologies in the nuclear industry, enabling to maintain the safety systems of NPPs even in the case of blackouts and the absence of diesel generators or other power supply systems.

Five such power units have already been built in the world, they are operating in the USA and China, but they are not yet in Europe, although many European countries have already announced plans to build them.

Why is obtaining equipment for the construction of the first power unit extremely important for Ukraine right now? Because this will greatly speed up the introduction of the AP1000. After all, the production of the NPP reactor island takes at least three years.

Significantly, we have assured our Westinghouse partners of continued cooperation given Poland and Bulgaria have already declared their readiness to buy this equipment. Therefore, we are very grateful to Westinghouse for giving the Ukrainian side the priority right to purchase it – as the country that was the first of all European states to declare its readiness to build nuclear units using this technology.

A large amount of pre-design and design work has already been completed, a feasibility study has been prepared and is undergoing examination, several fruitful negotiations have been held with Westinghouse, and the terms of delivery of the already manufactured equipment, which is ready for shipment, have been agreed upon.

The total cost of the equipment that Energoatom will receive is $437 mln but the current market price for it is twice as high, it is just 50% of it while the total cost of construction of one power unit will be about $ 5 bln.

During the construction of new units at the Khmelnytska NPP, up to nine thousand jobs will be created. This will be an impetus for the development of the entire Khmelnytskyi region while the Khmelnytska NPP directly will become the flagship of nuclear energy in Europe. KhNPP will eventually have six power units and in terms of design capacity surpass the largest on the continent Zaporizhzhia NPP, currently occupied by the russian military.

We have reached a critical stage in the process, which was started back in 2021 during the visit of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the USA.

And I am very grateful for the support of both the government and the Head of the Ministry of Energy German Galushchenko, in particular, in making those decisions that allowed the signing of these contracts. Now it is up to the Verkhovna Rada to adopt the necessary law –and we will start building facilities.

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+38(044) 464 53 08

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This content was first published by KISS PR Brand Story. Read here >> Ukraine's Nuclear Leap: Embracing AP1000 Technology

Release ID: 877896