Amazing Secret: Will The US High-speed Railway Reach A Speed Of 700 Km/h?——Interview With HRSCNP Research Team

A Knock On The Door Of US High-speed Railway, HRSCNP Team Releases 4 Preliminary Preparation Projects" became popular

Last month, an news titled " A Knock On The Door Of US High-speed Railway, HRSCNP Team Releases 4 Preliminary Preparation Projects" became popular ( website: ), and the author received thousands of letters asking various questions. In order to answer these questions, The author found Miss Yuan , the representative of the HRSCNP team, using the contact information in Unexpectedly obtained a amazing secret that the US high-speed railway may reach a speed of 700km/h. Here is the interview with her:

Question 1: Why does HRSCNP, as a professional research team, need to personally operate the preliminary preparation project for the US high-speed railway, directly participate in the planning of the trunk network and establishing a university?

Answer 1: Because only they know clearly that if the national trunk network planning is not completed a few years in advance and a sufficient number of construction and management talents are not cultivated, America will not only miss the opportunity to start high-speed railway construction again, but may also produce obstacles that cannot be eliminated and lose the possibility of future upgrading and improvement. The latter has become a lesson in some countries.

Question 2: Provide free train tickets once a year for investors or donors of these four preliminary projects. Is this cost-effective?

Answer 2: The purpose of high-speed rail is for the people. The first is the welfare of the people, and the second is profit. Although the value of free train tickets is much higher than the investment of a $100 shareholder, the enthusiastic promotion and support of high-speed railways by a large number of investors has greater significance in promoting America into the era of high-speed railways.

Question 3: Why does the paper in the attachment of this news say that there will be 8 super cities in America along high-speed railways?

Answer 3: The traffic speed determines the size of a city, and the usual pattern is a one hour urban living circle. If calculated based on a speed of 350 km/h, the popularization of high-speed railways will result in dozens of super cities instead of 8. For this question a secret that must be revealed now: Six years ago, the team had already completed a high-speed railway technology solution with a speed of 700 km/h and was preparing to apply it to America. Due to technical confidentiality issues, this indicator was not directly stated in the paper, but in reality, their plan had been done according to this indicator. At this speed, the radius of the one hour living circle will be 700 kilometers, and the distance between two super cities will be greater than 1400 kilometers. As shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Super cities formed by high-speed railways with a speed of 700 km/h

Question 4: How feasible is this kind of high-speed railway with a speed of 700 km/h?

Answer 4: The biggest issue with the feasibility of high-speed railway technology solutions is cost, which is currently the key to the difficulty of certain high-speed railway technologies entering commercial applications. The biggest highlight of this team's technology is its low cost, which is almost identical to the existing high-speed railways. The second is compatibility, achieving smooth upgrades on existing railways. To be precise, a speed of 700 km/h is the benchmark indicator for this technology, and there is still has room to grow.

Question 5: Why doesn't the team implement their technology in the countries where high-speed railways are becoming popular?

Answer 5: It should be emphasized that this kind of upgrade is carried out with prior preparation. For example, the minimum turning radius of the high-speed railway with a speed of 350 km/h is 7 kilometers. If the other train with a speed of 700 km/h the centrifugal force will increase to four times, which is impossible to pass through. If the minimum turning radius is designed to 28 kilometers from the beginning, both speeds can be passed.

Question 6: Where does the research funding come from?

Answer 6: The team has been working for 15 years and has received praise beyond expectations, but has not received any funding. Six years have proven that this technology is the most feasible. Despite the current difficulties, the team is still working hard. Unfortunately, several top experts have passed away during the past three years of the pandemic, including two experts on the 700 km/h high-speed rail. They can't continue working, but their souls are still in heaven watching this great cause.

Believe in God, God will make America realize the dream of high-speed rail.

Author: Zhong Jiwen


Company:HRSCNP Research Team

Contact Person: Miss Yuan



Telephone: 86-15600026113

City: Beijing







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This content was first published by KISS PR Brand Story. Read here >> Amazing Secret: Will The US High-speed Railway Reach A Speed Of 700 Km/h?——Interview With HRSCNP Research Team

Release ID: 996101