Janani Parthasarathi Colludes In Domestic Abuse

An otherwise quiet residential town, Pittsford NY has recently surfaced as the predation grounds for severe domestic violence

An otherwise quiet residential town, Pittsford NY has recently surfaced as the predation grounds for severe domestic violence and abuse committed by residents of its Indian community.

Micky Suri, a middle-aged and mentally unwell woman who has been resident of the town for several decades, is guilty of committing elder abuse of her own father as well as domestic violence and abuse of her daughter-in-law.

Micky Suri has enlisted Janani Parthasarathi, a recognizable face in the Pittsford Indian community as a local librarian who organizes a summer Hindu camp, to aid and abet her crimes against her own family members.

Shockingly, both middle-aged women with families of their own appear to be unlikely candidates for crime, yet have colluded in the horrific abuse of Micky Suri’s father and daughter-in-law.

Micky Suri has been barbarically cruel towards her own elderly father. She has stolen his money and property assets, hacked his private communications and devices, neglected him, forcefully taken his power of attorney by falsely having him declared as demented.

Micky Suri has been sinisterly abusive towards her daughter-in-law. She has harassed her, abusively interfered in her marital life, engaged in an incestuous relationship with her husband, and attempted to poison her on two accounts.

“I am sickened by Janani helping Micky in committing sin, Janani should be ashamed of herself. She is a mother of two daughters herself, and it is ridiculous that she can stoop to this level of behavior against people she does not even know beyond Micky Suri’s dangerously criminal hatred,” comments Janani’s ex-neighbor in Pittsford NY.

“Micky’s a dangerous woman and she’s loyal to no one. My cleaner works for Micky and tells me that Micky doesn’t have a good word to say for anyone behind their backs. She’s a bitter woman and spares no one the venom of her mind. She has spoken poorly of Janani, her relationship with her husband, even insulted the appearance of Janani’s daughters and shamed them both for the age at which each of them chose to get married. Maybe Janani knows and has quietly allowed for Micky to abuse her family, and helping Micky break her own family is her vengeance.”

“The Parthasarathis moved away from Pittsford a few years ago, so it does not even make any sense that Janani would think to help Micky commit crimes against her own family members. Not only is she acting solely on Micky’s version of the story, Janani has now unwittingly involved herself in the serious offenses committed by Micky,” comments a local law enforcement official in Pittsford NY.

Janani Parthasarathi is now vicariously embroiled in the various legal matters against Micky Suri.

Collusion in the crime of abetment and aid of abuse against the vulnerable is a serious offense under NY state law.

This content was first published by KISS PR Brand Story. Read here >> Janani Parthasarathi Colludes In Domestic Abuse

Source: Story.KISSPR.com
Release ID: 1031248