Cheap T-shirts can be good quality too

Can cheap T-shirts really be good quality? We often hear that a high price also guarantees quality. Maybe true elsewhere, but in the world of fashion this is not necessarily the case

Can cheap T-shirts really be good quality? We often hear that a high price also guarantees quality. Maybe true elsewhere, but in the world of fashion this is not necessarily the case. Often, a high price is simply a payment for the resources invested in brand promotion, which are huge in the textile industry.

However, it is easy to find high quality T-shirts at a reasonable price, so it is good to know what makes a good T-shirt and how to identify it.

The myth of high price and quality

It is a common misconception that a high price guarantees high quality, especially when it comes to items of clothing such as T-shirts. This myth has a strong influence on our decisions, but the reality is not always so black and white.

  • Many consumers believe that more expensive brands offer better products. This belief can lead consumers to ignore quality products at affordable prices simply because of perceived value, opting for more expensive but no better products.
  • Strong marketing messages and brands often create the impression that a higher price is synonymous with better quality. However, studies have shown that a high price is not always directly linked to better quality materials or workmanship.
  • Price can have a psychological impact on the perception of quality. More expensive products are often automatically seen as better, which in turn can mislead consumers.
  • Many affordable T-shirts are made to similar quality standards as more expensive ones. The price difference may be due to more efficient production, lower margins or less money spent on advertising.
  • In fact, most of the T-shirts on the market are made in the same factories, so they are also very similar in quality. The price difference occurs in the sales process.

"Price is what you pay, value is what you get."

Warren Buffett

It is therefore important that consumers critically assess quality and make the right choices, regardless of price or the influence of marketing ploys. True value often lies where we least expect it.

What does a good T-shirt need to have?

When we talk about the quality of T-shirts, we think about the overall design of the product, including the look, the cut, the material used, the colour fastness, the manufacturing technology and the quality of the printing. Can cheap T-shirts combine these positive qualities?

The quality of a T-shirt starts with the choice of material. Cotton, polyester and their blends are the most commonly used, with each material having its own advantages and disadvantages.

No less important is the fact that a good T-shirt should retain its shape, colour and texture even after several washes. Durability is not only a consequence of the materials used, but also of the way they are made.

For example, side seams are a solution to prevent the shirt from swirling, and a multi-layer collar is a solution to prevent the collar from stretching. There are many more little things like this.

Comfort is very important, especially for garments that are used frequently. Quality T-shirts are designed to allow us freedom of movement and not to irritate the skin.

The weight of the material (gsm) is also important, as too-thick T-shirts give an extra feeling of warmth on hot days, while too-thin T-shirts tend to show more than we want and have a shorter shelf life.

The precision and quality of the stitching has a major impact on the lifetime of the product. T-shirts with no hanging threads and evenly spaced seams are an indication of high quality workmanship and technological perfection.

Materials and their impact on price

The choice of materials plays a key role in determining the price of T-shirts. Understanding how different materials affect cost and quality is important for assessing the value of a product.

  • Traditionally valued for its softness and comfort, cotton is usually more expensive due to high production and processing costs.
  • Synthetic materials such as polyester are often cheaper than cotton because they are easier to produce and the raw materials are less sensitive to market price changes.
  • Blends of cotton and polyester or other synthetic fibres offer a good balance between quality and price.
  • The use of recycled cotton or synthetics is becoming increasingly popular due to environmental concerns.

"Everything in the fashion industry is retro, except the prices."

- Criss Jami, Killosophy

Whatever the material chosen, advanced production technologies allow even less expensive materials to deliver good quality. It is important for consumers to understand that a lower price does not necessarily mean lower quality.

Efficient production and logistics processes are key

Efficient production processes are very important in reducing the cost of producing T-shirts without sacrificing quality. Modernising and optimising production technologies means that even cheaper T-shirts can be produced to a high-quality standard.

The use of modern automated sewing and printing machines reduces production time and increases precision, leading to less waste material and higher consistency in product quality.

Outsourcing production to countries with lower labour and production costs is a very common way to cut costs. However, it is possible to maintain quality by good quality control and by choosing reliable production partners.

Improving cheaper logistics routes and storage strategies can significantly reduce distribution and storage costs.

Incorporating sustainable practices reduces costs (e.g. less water and energy used), improves brand image and attracts environmentally conscious consumers.

Some tips for buying quality T-shirts

When shopping for good quality but cheap T-shirts, it is important to pay attention to a few key quality indicators. These will help you to distinguish well-made T-shirts from those of poorer quality.

First of all, focus on the material used, because the high proportion of natural fibres means that the shirt will be comfortable and breathable. If it's also organically produced, all the better.

Check the outer and inner seams, which must be continuous and even. Double seams usually mean that the shirt is more compact and will last longer. All good T-shirts have a double-layer collar with double stitching.

Check the shape and cut! A good quality T-shirt should not wiggle and should fit the body evenly. Side seams on a T-shirt are a better choice than tubular T-shirts.

A thicker T-shirt is not necessarily a better T-shirt. It is important to ask the seller what finishing has been done to the material used to make the shirts. Ring-spun Cotton or Premium Cotton labels indicate that the cotton yarn has been given an extra treatment before weaving, which results in a softer shirt.

Check out the reviews of other buyers on the internet, as other people's experiences can help you a lot in your buying decision. Don't be fooled by the advertising tactics of the big fashion corporations!

Our selection of brands offering quality but cheap T-shirts

You may not know it, but there are several brands on the market that are known for offering high-quality T-shirts at very affordable prices. Here are some of our suggestions:

  • Gildan is a popular brand of T-shirts, especially for its wide range of colours and cuts, made from durable and comfortable material. Gildan T-shirts are renowned for being durable and retaining their shape and colour even after many washes.
  • Our pick is definitely the Spanish brand Roly, which offers a wide range of T-shirts suitable for promotional purposes, sports and everyday use. The market perception is that they offer the best value for money.
  • Kariban is a brand known for its modern cuts and quality fabrics. Their shirts combine style and comfort without sacrificing quality, even if the prices are very low.
  • French brand Sol's offers a wide range of textile products, including T-shirts that are affordable but made with quality and sustainability in mind.
  • Anvil focuses on sustainable practices in its production and offers a wide range of organic and recycled T-shirts that are both high quality and reasonably priced.

All of these brands prove that T-shirts can be affordable and high quality, but it just takes a little knowledge and market awareness to make the right choice.

What does the future hold?

As in general, the T-shirt market is facing changes that will shape its quality and availability in the future. Innovations such as robotics, digital printing and automated sewing will further reduce production costs while increasing quality, allowing manufacturers to offer products at competitive prices.

At the same time, the increasing focus on ecological issues will lead to the use of sustainable materials, such as recycled cotton, which will reduce the environmental impact without additional cost implications.

The development of customisation technologies will further enable consumers to obtain unique products at affordable prices, as digital printing and DTG printing technologies become increasingly affordable.

All these dynamics predict that the low-cost T-shirt market will continue to evolve with a focus on innovation, sustainability and personalisation, which in turn will continue to provide access to quality products at affordable prices.

Price and quality for T-shirts

Reading this article, you will have realised that a high price does not necessarily mean higher quality. The combination of modern materials, innovative production technologies and ethical practices can help to create high-quality T-shirts that are accessible to a wider range of consumers, at a reasonable price.

As consumers, we have the power to choose T-shirts that will reduce the ecological burden on the environment and contribute to raising quality in the fashion industry, by making informed purchases based on knowledge of the right quality criteria.

This content was first published by KISS PR Brand Story. Read here >> Cheap T-shirts can be good quality too

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