Air Filters And Biological Air Pollutants Inside Buildings by Camfil USA

Air Filters And Biological Air Pollutants Inside Buildings by Camfil USA

Learn why air filters are being used to limit the presence of biological air pollutants inside buildings.

Camfil Air Filters Dallas, TX -- One of the main reasons buildings use air filters is to control the presence of biological contaminants in the air.

Installing high efficiency air filters or stand-alone room air purifiers is one way to significantly improve the air quality.

The challenge with ventilating facilities and buildings is that it becomes dangerous when the outside air brought inside contains high levels of pollutants like smoke, industrial runoff and carbon monoxide. This is where high efficiency air filters come in. " Proper ventilation is one possible solution for preventing the buildup of moisture in indoor spaces, allowing damp air to escape and replacing it with air drawn through filters.” Says air filtration company Camfil USA. ASHRAE Standard 52.2 indicates a MERV 13/13A filter will capture 90% of all particles 1 micron and larger and is a good starting point when upgrading air filters.

HEPA Filters in existing HVAC systems and Stand-Alone Air Purifiers HEPA filters are a step up from MERV rated air filters.

If the existing HVAC system is not capable of handling a HEPA filter, a stand-alone air purification system with a HEPA filter should be considered, such as this one.  

Like most air filters, HEPA filters are rated based on their ability to capture a percentage of various particle sizes.HEPA filters in properly maintained air filtration systems, have proven effective against bacteria, viruses and other microbiological contaminants.

Final Words on Industrial Air Purification Systems

Remember that while air filters can be effective at capturing airborne biological contaminants, an overall strategy includes having proper ventilation and removing the source of these pollutants if possible.

For everything else, air filters should help reduce issues with biological pollutants. If you are interested in learning more about commercial air filters by Camfil USA, please click here. We can also guide you in deciding which filter to get based on your biological contaminant needs. 

Read the full story here.

Lynne Laake 

Camfil USA Air Filters 

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Source: Camfil Air FILTERS
Release ID: 12700