Cognitive Ecology: A New Research Scope from The International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

Cognitive Ecology

As the COVID-19 pandemic remains unresolved, scientists of all fields publish their studies as a hope to end the chaos.

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (IJEST) is an international scholarly research journal to promote scientific studies of environmental science and technology, both natural and artificial. The editors accept peer-reviewed original research articles, technical reports, reviews, short communications, and notes to the editor. The main coverage research areas include but are not exclusive to; environmental chemistry and biology, pollution control and waste management, heavy metals and organic compounds in the environment, biodegradation and bioremediation, environmental impact and human risk assessment, industrial ecology.

Similar to the social-cultural study done in 1918 during the Spanish Flu pandemic, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought researchers to analyze human behavior towards their environment change. Cognitive ecology studies the interactive relationship between organism-environment and its impact on cognitive function. Here, the human cognition system is viewed similarly to the enactivist perspective on cognitive processing. Enactivism argues cognition is not an internal representation but is rather the enactment of a world and a mind based on a history of the variety of actions that a being in the world performs (1).

Cognitive Ecology in COVID-19 Pandemic

Climate change is a great social challenge. The scientific world agrees that human activity plays a major role in these changes instead of creating more sustainable behaviors. People travel farther using a ‘sustainable’ vehicle, eat ‘organic’ food to be environmentally friendly without reducing the other consumption. The scientists believe cognitive biases and cognitive inabilities to understand climate change issues properly play a major role in causing such environmental damage behavior.

Similarly, the current global health crisis requires significant behavior change and has a massive psychological impact on people. In 2020, Bavel et al. (2) studied the pandemic effect on a different aspect of human cognitive function, including handling threats, social and cultural effect on human behavior, social information, moral-decision making, and coping with stress. The study also correlates the COVID-19 pandemic with outcomes such as ethnocentrism, xenophobia, and crowding perceptions.

IJEST is Open for New Manuscript Submission

In line with the goal of IJEST to provide high-quality research papers across the globe, the editorial team has accepted new manuscripts in environmental cognition beginning in Q1 2021 from this page, Their key priority is on climate change’s cognitive challenges; how people perceive, process, and solve environmental issues. The paper can also cover but is not limited to confirmation biases in thinking about climate change issues and how people’s understanding climate change problems can be improved.

IJEST is one of the world’s most respected environmental science journals. The online platform, led by experienced researchers like Paul Gardner, provides innovative research in environmental science.

Electronic ISSN: 1735-2630
Print ISSN: 1735-1472
LCCN: 2006204600
OCLC Number: 7831827411
ISO 4: Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.

About Paul Gardner

Born in Berkeley, California, on May 5th, 1985, little Paul has shown his powerful interest in science and engineering. He is passionate in biohacking, applied biological science that adjusts diet and lifestyle to improve human health and well-being. Connect with Paul through his dedicated page,


(1) Evan Thompson (2010). “Chapter 1: The enactive approach” (PDF). Mind in Life: Biology, phenomenology, and the sciences of mind. Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0674057517.

(2) Bavel, J.J.V., Baicker, K., Boggio, P.S. et al. Using social and behavioral science to support COVID-19 pandemic response. Nat Hum Behav 4, 460–471 (2020).

Media Contact:
Paul Gardner
+1 (707) 633-3769

Release ID: 16628