War of words between Texas Gov. Abbott, AG Garland over migrant order - New York Post

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott accused the Biden administration Thursday of “jeopardizing the health and safety of Texans on a daily basis” after Attorney General Merrick Garland threatened a lawsuit over a new order allowing state troopers to stop and turn around vehicles suspected of carrying illegal immigrants.

In a letter to Abbott, Garland claimed the governor’s order was “dangerous” as well as “contrary to federal law and cannot be enforced.” The attorney general also claimed the order was unconstitutional, as it “interferes with [federal] immigration enforcement” and obstructs the “release of individuals and the ability of those individuals to comply with federal immigration law.”

Garland concluded the letter by declaring that if Abbott did not rescind his order, the attorney general would “pursue all appropriate legal remedies to ensure that Texas does not interfere with the functions of the federal government.”

“It is clear that the Biden Administration fundamentally misunderstands what is truly happening at the Texas-Mexico border,” Abbott shot back in a statement of his own Thursday. “The current crisis at our southern border, including the overcrowding of immigration facilities and the devastating spread of COVID-19 that the influx of non-citizens is causing, is entirely the creation of the Biden Administration and its failed immigration policies.”

The order, enacted Wednesday, prohibits anyone except federal, state and local law enforcement officials from...

Read Full Story: https://nypost.com/2021/07/30/texas-gov-greg-abbott-and-ag-merrick-garland-fight-over-migrant-order/

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