Witnesses grouse about Garland's handling of Durham inquiry: Report - Yahoo News

Witnesses are getting antsy with special counsel John Durham's criminal inquiry into the opening and conduct of the Russia investigation.

Last week, nearly seven months into the Biden administration, reports said the federal prosecutor had presented evidence before a grand jury, a sign he is considering more criminal charges beyond the one brought against former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who admitted to altering an email about a Trump campaign aide who was under government surveillance.

Adding another layer to the public's understanding of the politically charged review, the Washington Post reported some private chatter about Attorney General Merrick Garland pressing for a swift end to Durham's endeavor, which has long been criticized by Democrats and legal observers who claim the inquiry is meant to undercut special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into alleged ties between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russia.

"As Durham’s probe has continued into the Biden administration, some witnesses have privately grumbled that Attorney General Merrick Garland should push the special counsel to conclude his work. The Russia investigation, they argue, already has been scrutinized by Congress and the Justice Department inspector general, who found serious flaws but determined that it was opened with adequate basis," the report published on Tuesday said.

Conversely, the report notes some say the investigation, which began more than two years ago, should be allowed to run its...

Read Full Story: https://news.yahoo.com/witnesses-grouse-garlands-handling-durham-224600608.html

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