Covid: Most popular Facebook link in US spread vaccine doubt - BBC News

A news article about a doctor who died after receiving a Covid-19 vaccination was Facebook's most viewed link in the US in the first quarter of 2021, a previously shelved report shows.

The piece - updated after a report said there was no proven link to the vaccine - was popular with vaccine sceptics.

The New York Times claimed that Facebook initially held back its report because it would "look bad".

Facebook said the delay was in order to make "key fixes".

The company had already published its "Widely Viewed Content" report for the second quarter of 2021, in which it found a word search promising to reveal "your reality" was the most popular post.

Similarly frivolous "question posts" formed most of the top 20.

But the New York Times revealed on Friday that the company had held back the earlier report covering January to March 2021.

NEW w/ @rmac18: Facebook released its first-ever quarterly report on Widely Viewed Content this week. But an earlier report from Q1 existed and was shelved, bc execs were scared it would make the company look bad.

ā€” Davey Alba (@daveyalba) August 20, 2021

The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.View original tweet on Twitter

The paper alleged the report had not been shared because of fears that it would "look bad for the company".

The most-viewed link was an article published by a mainstream US newspaper reporting that a doctor had died two weeks after getting a Covid-19 vaccine. The link attracted...

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