In-Person School Is Suspended Til Sept. 7 - Monticello News

Jasper County Schools will suspend in-person instruction beginning today, Aug. 26, continuing through Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 6.

The system’s goal will be to open for full in-person instruction on Tuesday, Sept. 7, said the announcement from Supt. Kenny Garland.

In a letter to families dated Tuesday, Aug. 26, Mr. Garland said, “Within the past 72 hours, our school community has seen a significant increase in the number of confirmed and presumptive cases of COVID-19 among our students and staff. With the majority of these cases, there have been a significant number of quarantines. Both students and staff have been impacted by these measures. Some of the cases being currently reported are students and staff already being placed in quarantines due to exposures. These exposures are occurring both in school and out of school.”

The letter went on to outline plans for the next two weeks. Schools will be closed to students August 26 and 27, and faculty and staff will report to their assigned areas in order to prepare for online learning to be delivered the following week.

Next week, Aug. 30-Sept. 3, all schools will offer online learning opportunities for students, and there will be no in-person delivery of instruction.
Extra-curricular activities will continue as long as Covid cases don’t expand and require them to be cut. There is no football game scheduled for this Friday, so it will not be affected.

Mr. Garland also said the system will be looking at the Covid protocols...

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