Week Ahead in Immigration: Aug. 30, 2021 - Reuters

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(Reuters) - Here are some upcoming events of interest to the immigration law community. All times are local unless stated otherwise.

Monday, Aug. 30

10a.m. - A 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel will hear oral arguments in three separate cases over whether the 10 years of continuous presence in the U.S. necessary to be eligible for cancellation of a deportation order includes the period after a cancellation application is filed. Three Mexican nationals are appealing orders that said that because they had not passed the ten-year threshold until after they applied for cancellation, they were ineligible.

The cases are Herrera-Ramirez v. Garland, Quebrado-Cantor v. Garland and Garcia v. Garland, 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Nos. 19-72479, 19-73085 and 20-71880.

For Herrera: Gary Finn from the Law Office of Gary Finn

For Quebrado: Luis Romero of Novo Legal Group.

For Garcia: Andrew Younkins of the Law Office of Andrew L. Younkins

For the government: Kevin Conway, Lance Jolley and Virginia Lum of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Tuesday, Aug. 31

10 a.m. - A lawyer for Peter Brimelow, a prominent anti-immigration activist and founder of the website VDARE, will urge a 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals...

Read Full Story: https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/week-ahead-immigration-aug-30-2021-2021-08-27/

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