Conway awarded $750,000 for Salem Road reconstruction project | News | - Log Cabin Democrat

The Metroplan Board of Directors has announced that they have approved funding for Conway to continue with Phase II of the Salem Road improvement project thanks to the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) and Highway Improvement Program (HIP).

The Salem Road improvement project will be between Dave Ward Drive and College Avenue, and will aim to accommodate current and future traffic in addition to upgrading bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the area.

The recommended award for this project is $750,000.

“The Surface Transportation Block Grant Program and Highway Improvement Program are federal-aid transportation programs, administered by the Federal Highway Administration that provide funding for transportation improvement projects,” Metroplan Board of Directors said in a news release. “Metroplan awards funding to qualifying projects based on applications from member jurisdictions and a rigorous review process. The projects also address several safety and congestion issues at intersections, as well as new Super Shelters for several Rock Region METRO bus stops.”

Metroplan has been operating since 1955 for the counties of Faulkner, Lonoke, Pulaski and Saline. The other awarded projects include:

Pulaski County has been awarded funding to construct 5.3 miles of the initial segment of the Southwest Trail from Baseline Road to Saline County. The Trail will seamlessly connect pedestrians and cyclists through Pulaski, Saline, and Garland Counties.

Saline County has...

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