Howie Carr: Think Joe Biden is bad? Check out the current line of succession - Boston Herald

Before you heed those calls to remove Dementia Joe Biden via either impeachment or the 25th amendment, remember the old saying: Be careful what you wish for.

As another incompetent Democrat by the name of M. Stanley Dukakis used to say, “The fish rots from the head.”

Check out the current chart of presidential succession and you will realize just how rudderless the ship of state is.

How hopeless is the federal government? Marty Walsh, the bust out former mayor of Boston who is now Secretary of Labor, is number 11 in the line of succession to the presidency.

Does that frighten you? Because it gets worse, much worse.

Joe himself might be concerned… if only he could just remember any of his appointees’ names.

Presidents used to seek out at least a few “captains of industry” for their cabinets. Biden doesn’t even have any buck privates of industry.

Take the vice president, Kamala Harris. Please. If you don’t know her background, just google her name and “Willie Brown.” Then tell me about her impeccable credentials.

Next in line to the presidency is Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She’s 80 years old and likes to say she was “set up” every time she’s caught not wearing a mask, which is about once a month.

Comes from quite the family. Google again provides helpful links. Type in Pelosi’s name and then “father” and “brother,” before adding “Mafia,” “FBI” and “rape.”

That’ll work, unless Big Tech has scrubbed yet more pages on behalf of its Democrat co-conspirators.

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