Livestock projects support positive youth development - Hot Springs Sentinel

With the 2021 fair season coming soon, it allows for a time of reflection on accomplishments achieved, challenges overcome and learning opportunities our county's youths have experienced over the last year.

As the Extension agent responsible for the 4-H livestock project areas, I was constantly talking with 4-H'ers, parents and the general public at the fairs. A highlight during these discussions was watching 4-H'ers interact with the public to discuss their projects. Frequent topics included during the conversations were the project's name and temperament, production challenges and how much they enjoyed raising their animals. Livestock projects have numerous benefits to 4-H'ers. Of these, I would like to reflect on a few highlighted over the course of the fairs this year.

• Responsibility -- Daily feeding and grooming of an animal develop skills to care for others. Our county youths were constantly checking on animals, providing water and grooming. All 4-H projects require perseverance to follow through with a project to completion. Probably one of the most long-term endeavors is the beef project, requiring an animal be raised for 14-16 months to market weight. Through each 4-H'er's diligent efforts, the livestock auction sale price was the reward for a job well done.

• Planning -- 4-H'ers are required to plan for each 4-H year's project entries. At the start of the 4-H year (Oct. 1), members start considering what projects they would like to explore for the year....

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