The Decorating Conversation: Where to Start - Alexandria Living Magazine

Yes, even what you absolutely can't stand about it and has to go now!

For some of you, the conversations we'll be having in this space about issues that matter to you might be your first time talking with a decorator. Over my 25 years working here in Old Town and before that in the New York City suburbs, I've learned that we decorators can be seen as intimidating. Just as you wouldn't expect to walk into a dealer showroom with $10,000 and drive out with a Rolls-Royce, you can't realistically expect Amazon pricing when working with a decorator. Working with a decorator most certainly doesn't imply you're going to be paying Rolls-Royce prices.

In the end, all of that legwork, combined with the collective experience and varied but complementary visions my colleagues and I bring to an engagement, begin to describe the principal ways we as full service decorators add value to the effort.

The project photos you see here brought all of the elements I described into play. Handling the logistical elements that can derail a project.


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