I don't mean page-turners-Grisham, Steele, Patterson-though there's benefit to clearing your head once in a while with what the great Graham Greene called "An entertainment." Rather, pick up a novel that will engage and stretch the right side of your brain-the creative, introspective, empathetic side-in the way your job exercises the logical, rational, analytical left side of your brain for so many hours every day. Great novels enable us see the world through the eyes of others: How does a particular character perceive reality and make sense of things? How does she feel, and how do those feelings that drive her choices? What matters to him, and why? Being able to view the world from other perspectives makes us more effective in engaging others and managing ourselves. Great novels offer simulations for our social and interior lives; when reading great novels we enter a fully realized new world and can see causes and effects, all the while asking ourselves what might have happened if the character had thought or acted differently. Conversely, the prose in great novels reveals both the art and science of good writing: tone, voice, vocabulary, exposition, narrative arc, rhetorical strategy. Great novels present important issues and then resolve them; that progression and ordering stabilizes the soul, helps you make sense of events both tragic and triumphant, and subconsciously teaches you to process your own issues and/or learn to live more comfortably with problems that can't be resolved.
George Eliot, Middlemarch: A novel one should read as an adult, not in high school. A dazzling story about competition, obsession, prejudice, hardship, and the trials of growing up, it's also the most thrilling novel you'll ever read, even if you barely know how to play chess.
source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/hillennevins/2021/09/02/why-leaders-should-read-fiction/
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