NJ Atty Wins Bid To Toss Award In Malpractice Suit - Law360

Law360 (September 8, 2021, 3:57 PM EDT) -- A New Jersey state appeals court said on Wednesday that attorney Francisco S. Guzman cannot escape a default judgment stemming from a legal malpractice complaint, but his challenge to the $95,000 he was ordered to pay in damages was given new life when the court remanded the case for another proof hearing. A default judgment was entered against Guzman, a Jersey City-based attorney, after he failed to file an answer to a malpractice complaint alleging his negligence for not filing a motor vehicle crash lawsuit on behalf of his client, Arelis Parra. Because Parra did not include medical proof that her. . .
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Read Full Story: https://www.law360.com/legalethics/articles/1419742/nj-atty-wins-bid-to-toss-award-in-malpractice-suit

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