Insurer Hiscox Fights Liability For Employment Suit - Law360

By Joanne Faulkner (September 15, 2021, 5:39 PM BST) -- Insurer Hiscox urged a London tribunal on Wednesday to ax a compensation claim brought by a tutor suing her insolvent former employer for unfair dismissal and discrimination, arguing that its policy did not cover the woman's health conditions. Diarmuid Laffan, counsel for Hiscox, said that professional indemnity insurance held by MiddletonMurray Ltd. does not cover health issues allegedly suffered by the woman, identified as B. Cuffy, as a result of actions by staff at the provider of apprenticeship training. Cuffy was employed by MiddletonMurray between 2017 and 2018. According to documents submitted to the court, the company received complaints from students about. . .
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