Judge Tosses Phone Refurbishing Co. Ownership Fight - Law360

phone refurbishment company Harvestar Solutions lacked the authority to sue the majority owner for alleged self-dealing. Majority shareholder Brightstar Asia Ltd. escaped claims that it breached its fiduciary duty to Harvestar investor Tyler Miller. Miller, a Harvestar co-founder who sold off his majority share in 2018, first accused Brightstar of contracting Harvestar to repair Brightstar's stock of phones at below-market rates last June, claiming the diminished value of his ownership stake as damages. U. S. Magistrate Judge James L. Cott recommended the immediate dismissal. . .
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Read Full Story: https://www.law360.com/telecom/articles/1422202/judge-tosses-phone-refurbishing-co-ownership-fight-

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