Title: The SEO Advantage of Hierarchical Site Structure: A Google-Backed Approach. - Medium

Title: The SEO Advantage of Hierarchical Site Structure: A Google-Backed Approach.

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMigAFodHRwczovL21lZGl1bS5jb20vQHBlcmVpcmFkb21uaWM0NC90aXRsZS10aGUtc2VvLWFkdmFudGFnZS1vZi1oaWVyYXJjaGljYWwtc2l0ZS1zdHJ1Y3R1cmUtYS1nb29nbGUtYmFja2VkLWFwcHJvYWNoLTMwZDNkNTE4N2IwNtIBAA?oc=5

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