4 Easy Steps to Schedule a Post on LinkedIn postiz

It must have occurred to you that you need to publish a post on LinkedIn on a certain day but won’t be available at that time

It must have occurred to you that you need to publish a post on LinkedIn on a certain day but won’t be available at that time. This is where you can use one of the most practical LinkedIn options: scheduling a post in advance. Here, we’ll walk you through the easy steps of scheduling a post on this platform. You’ll also learn why it’s important to plan your posts ahead. Moreover, we’ll introduce an even better option to not only plan your posts but also organize your account and get reports on how your posts are working!

How to Schedule a Post on LinkedIn?

Imagine you want to post a piece of content about scheduling posts on LinkedIn. This post matters to you for two reasons: one you want to stand out among your competitors and give practical information to your audience. Two the post needs to be published at a certain time when your audience is most active, increasing the chance of engagement. So, here’s what you need to do:

1. Log into your LinkedIn account and click on “Create a post”

2. A new window will open, where you can write and add your content.

3. As shown in the image below, click the clock icon to schedule your post for another time.

4. After that, in the new section that opens for you, set your preferred time, when you want the post to be published

Why Should I Schedule a Post on LinkedIn?

There are numerous ways you can benefit from scheduling posts on LinkedIn.

  1. Keeping a posting schedule is key to staying active and visible on your profile. This ensures you stay on the radar of your connections and followers.

  2. Planning and organizing your content in advance can help you save time and avoid the grind of creating posts. This allows you to focus on important tasks while staying active on LinkedIn.

  3. When you cannot post at the time when your audience's most active, scheduling comes in handy. It can boost the visibility of your content by posting at times that maximize engagement.

  4. Consistent posting leads to more engagement and networking opportunities within your network. This could result in building connections and expanding your network.

  5. No more pressure and stress to be on time! When you don’t need to post every day, you can enhance your productivity by focusing on other important factors.

  6. Finally, by taking your time to create high-quality content, you can ensure that each post positively influences your account, as well as your professional impression.

How Does Postiz Help You Plan Your Content on LinkedIn?

So far, we’ve discussed the advantages of scheduling your posts on LinkedIn, from increasing engagement to relieving stress. But what if you could get even more benefits? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could have a calendar and an optimized platform to instantly create posts, schedule them, and get analytics about them? These are what Postiz, a social media management tool, offers you. With Postiz, you can:

  • Schedule your posts on different social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, Dribble, TikTok, and Pinterest).

  • Have a content calendar to organize your posts.

  • Easily communicate with your team members for better collaboration.

  • Create content using AI.

  • Get reports and analytics on how each post is doing.

How to Schedule a LinkedIn Post Using Postiz?

Postiz paves the way for you by offering every feature you need to boost your activities on social media platforms, particularly LinkedIn. We have explained the easy ways for you to start posting in a more optimized way:

  1. Sign Up or Log In to Postiz

  • Visit the Postiz website and create an account if you haven't already.

  • If you already have an account, simply log in.

  1. Connect Your LinkedIn Account

  • Once logged in, select “Add Channel” and select LinkedIn from the list of social media platforms.

  • Follow the prompts to authorize Postiz to access your LinkedIn account.

  1. Create a New Post

  • On your Postiz dashboard, click on the icon shown in the photo.

  • Select each option, according to the date and time that you want to post.

  1. Compose Your Post

  • In the post creation window, write your content in the text box.

  • Add any images, videos, or links you want to include in your post.

  1. Schedule Your Post

  • As shown in the image above, you can edit the date and time.

  • You can either save this post as a draft or add it to the calendar.

  • Double-check the scheduled time to ensure it aligns with when your audience is most active.

  1. Monitor and Manage Your Scheduled Posts

  • Return to the dashboard to see a list of your scheduled posts.

  • You can edit, reschedule, or delete posts if needed by clicking on the respective options next to each post.

  1. Analyze Post Performance

  • After your post goes live, use Postiz’s analytics tools to monitor its performance.

  • Review metrics like engagement, reach, and interaction to improve your content strategy.

Final Word

Scheduling your LinkedIn posts doesn’t have to be a complex or time-consuming task. There’s a built-in feature on LinkedIn that allows you to schedule your posts for later. However, if you’re thinking big and want to grow and enhance your presence on LinkedIn, you need a social media management tool, like Postiz. Postiz helps you easily plan and automate your content, ensuring a consistent and engaging presence on your LinkedIn profile. This way you'll save time, increase your efficiency, and maximize your reach and engagement.

Postiz offers a user-friendly interface, scheduling features, and powerful analytics, making it the perfect tool for professionals and businesses looking to improve their LinkedIn strategy. No matter if you’re a single content creator or work as a team, Postiz has a lot to offer you! Moreover, using Postiz is free! So, how about signing up now and experiencing the benefits firsthand?

Original Source of the original story >> 4 Easy Steps to Schedule a Post on LinkedIn postiz

Website of Source: https://postiz.com/

Source: Story.KISSPR.com
Release ID: 1094473