From Teeth and Gums to Global Health: A Fresh Take on Dentistry by Dr. Pamela Marzban

Dr Marzban shares her take on dentistry and oral health as a whole.

Dr. Pamela Marzban

Most people regard their dental appointments as just an examination of teeth and gums. However, the scope of dental practice is shifting dramatically.

Dr. Pamela Marzban hopes to transform the narrative of dental healthcare by placing patient wellness and comprehensive care at the forefront.

"Oral health goes far beyond teeth and gums; it's an insight into your overall health," Dr. Marzban said.

This paradigm shift in dental care is echoed in her practice where the focus is not solely on oral hygiene, but also on overall physiology, including the significant aspect of breathing.

Her practice has evolved into what is now termed an 'airway centric' approach. Here, ensuring a patient has a good, unobstructed airway is as critical as oral health. With this approach, they tackle issues like Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ) and even screen and treat for conditions like obstructive sleep apnea, which are often overlooked in traditional dental care.

"I believe in treating people, not just teeth and gums," Dr. Marzban said.

Her 'unicorn practice', as it has come to be known, is an embodiment of her vision. What makes it a 'unicorn' is the extraordinary team of women and state-of-the-art equipment that ensures comprehensive, high-quality care to every patient, albeit fewer in number.

"To practice this type of dentistry, you need to see fewer patients more comprehensively and invest more time per patient,” Dr. Marzban said. “It's not a model everyone can adopt, but it's one that can make a significant difference."

This fresh perspective on dentistry is not a critique of her colleagues who may not share her approach but rather an invitation to rethink and reconsider the current practices. Dr. Marzban passionately argues that too many issues go undiagnosed because professionals simply lack the time to listen thoroughly and examine comprehensively.

"The key is to invest time and money into training and education. In our practice, we have an ongoing process of internal training, inviting consultants, attending conferences, and leveraging the latest techniques, products, and software,” Dr. Marzban said. “It's not just about knowing the codes; it's about understanding the patient."

This dedication to continuous learning is equally apparent in her team's understanding of the practice's operations. The front office team understands the clinical side of things, while the back office team understands numbers, scheduling, and communication. This cross-disciplinary knowledge makes every team member competent in handling a patient in almost every aspect. The aim is to tap into individual strengths and place people where they shine the most.

But the dedication doesn't stop at the practice's doors. Dr. Marzban and her team have given back to their community for the last 15 years, from participating in 5K runs to offering free dental work to children, and providing outreach dental care to adults and kids in the Dominican Republic.

"These are not just highly skilled women passionate about dentistry; they also want to make a difference in the world," Dr. Marzban said.

Connecting with patients and their understanding of their conditions and accountability of their role in their health can make a huge difference in ensuring optimal outcomes, which is why her biggest advice for her patients is this: Buy-in from dental patients can make a huge difference in ensuring optimal dental outcomes, which is why her biggest piece of advice for patients is this:

"If you want to get the most out of your dental experience, don't rush in and out of a 30-minute cleaning. Understand that your oral health can tell a lot about your overall wellbeing. Chronic mouth breathing, for example, could be an indicator of other health issues like diabetes. Your oral health is a mirror to your overall health, and it's time we started treating it that way," Dr Marzban said

To follow Dr Marzban's Journey, Visit her Instagram page and Website

This content was first published by KISS PR Brand Story. Read here >> From Teeth and Gums to Global Health: A Fresh Take on Dentistry by Dr. Pamela Marzban

Source: Tan social PR
Release ID: 692160