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Paradestormer Productions, Bright Morning Star Films and Berry Studios will be having their first test screening for ‘Child Of Love’ on September 19th 2023 at the AMC Theater in West Nashville TN. This premier will be a test screening months before the film goes to the festivals. As Weiss stated “We are very happy with the film’s edit but we want feedback from our friends, crew and actors to help the chances for success to bring the film to audience around the world”.
‘Child Of Love’ stars Amy Simpson (Red Forrest, Sherwood), Lewis Purcell (Lincoln, Into The Wild Frontier) along with celebrity star cast coming in for roles such as Ciara Hanna (Legend of the White Dragon, Power Ranger’s Mega Force) and Eric Roberts (The Dark Knight, Babylon, Great White Throne Judgment).
The film is based on the inspiring true life story of Esther Berry on her journey to building the ‘Esther School’s.’ The Esther School is a school for special needs children throughout the state of Florida. The school serves to give special needs students a great education with teachers who specialize in these programs. The story follows a faith based journey leading to the birth of their son Robert Berry who was born with Down Syndrome.
The Esther School was built on the foundation to give Robert Berry a unique learning path. Being that he was educated with standard school achievements and faith based principles. The 8 schools are scattered around Florida employing over 100 facilities and enrolling over 800 children currently in the schools.
(Simpson) portrays Esther Berry along side her leading man (Purcell) taking on the role of Chris Berry. “As long time friends we hired these two knowing this is a very touching story. Along with a cast we trusted and worked with for years”, Johnny Reeves Director. (Hanna) and (Roberts) where brought in as guest roles that had very impactful times in Esther’s journey. Hanna portrays ‘Skye’, a friend from her past before leaving to America. While (Roberts) portrays Dr. House the man that gave birth to Robert Berry a milestone in the story ‘Child Of Love’.
The film was directed and DP’d by the B Twins Johnny Reeves (Great White Throne Judgement, Domme) Weiss Night (Consider The Lillies, Great White Throne Judgment). The film is executive produced by Esther Berry, Chris Berry, Robert Berry and Bobby Webb. Producers from Bright Morning Star Films and Paradestormer Production are Joan Uselman (Sherwood, Domme), Michael Giancana (Raising Rambo, Baby Blues), Nick Monroe (Red Forrest, Domme) and Jack Hager (Great White Throne Judgement).
AMC theatre booked by Domenick Presto the Event Consultant at AMC Theaters.
Source: Story.KISSPR.com
Release ID: 709607