When is a dedicated team model is a bad idea?

When looking for options to increase your resource pool, a dedicated team model is one of the top choices to consider.

When looking for options to increase your resource pool, a dedicated team model is one of the top choices to consider. You start searching for software houses and see the same promises “Hire a team that will integrate into your workflows, boost your capabilities, meet your objectives”. And on paper, it looks good, but I’m here to tell you something different.

Dedicated teams are a bad idea.

Well, to be honest, that’s not always true, but in certain circumstances they are. And that’s what I want to concentrate on today.

But first …

What is a dedicated team model?

It wouldn’t be right to start an article on when a dedicated team model is a bad idea without giving a brief definition.

A dedicated team model is when a software partner provides a team to work exclusively on your project. It’s akin to hiring an external department tailored to your needs. The team is fully organized and led by a Team Leader, and its composition varies according to each individual case. It includes software engineers and QAs. And depending on the requirements, may also include scrum masters, project managers, and VBA specialists.

A dedicated team will be with you from the start, through to release and post-support. While you control strategic direction, the day-to-day management is a collaborative effort.

Now that’s out of the way, let’s jump into the rest of the blog.

You’re looking for a short-term partner

Straight out of the box, it’s safe to say that dedicated teams are a terrible idea for short-term projects. If you’re looking for a quick result, then boosting your in-house team with staff augmentation or freelancers is the way to go.

Dedicated teams work best over longer projects. The costs, time, and resources don’t make it feasible. It’s like spending effort to create a perfect Broadway show and only having it open for one night. To get the most out of your dedicated team you need to be in it for the long run.

If you need a team that will take your idea from concept through development, and provide support post-release, then look for a dedicated team. However, if you need a short turnaround to fill skill gaps, look for staff augmentation instead.

Quick definition here, staff augmentation differs from a dedicated team model. Staff augmentation is where you bring external professionals into your existing team to fill skill gaps. It’s more of an “as-needed” approach to your project. It allows for a flexible approach to scaling your workforce. You manage these augmented team members just as you would your in-house staff.

You like to have everything under control

If you like to be the one in charge, then running a dedicated team model offers a bit of a twist on management control. But this isn’t always a bad thing.

Let's dive into what this means for control dynamics between you and your software partner. Typically, you'll keep a tight grip on project goals and strategic direction. The daily operations, however, become a shared journey. This division of power isn't about giving up control but rather about making things easier for you.

From your end, expect to steer the project's scope, priorities, and overarching vision. It's your game plan that sets the tempo. On the other side, your software partner takes the reins on the day-to-day management. However, when it comes to building a team and picking the right tech stack for the project, both you and your partner work together.

But here's the bright side. Stepping back from micromanaging every detail doesn't just free you up—it brings peace of mind. Imagine having a backstage crew silently ensuring the show goes on flawlessly. They deal with the details of team dynamics and overcoming technical hurdles. While you stay focused on guiding the strategic direction. This is the beauty of a dedicated team. You get a hands-off approach for managing the small details, while firmly steering strategy.

But, if the thought of NOT micromanaging every decision sparks anxiety, prepare for potential bottlenecks. The essence of this partnership lies in trust. Engaging with your software partner's technical leads early on and establishing a clear review process can help.

You’re looking for a fixed price

Dedicated teams are flexible. Depending on where in the project you are, you could have more QAs or business analysts. You might need certain tech specialists if you are building on existing solutions. In short, the price you pay for your team depends on the project’s needs. This may impact your budget depending on external issues. Think of hiring a dedicated team for a certain tech stack and then realizing that another tech would be better suited for your goals. The cost of the available developers might shift depending on availability and seniority.

Dedicated teams are not there for fixed-price projects. And if you are working to a strict budget then don’t expect flexibility in your development process. Fixed price models do have their advantages, especially if you can clearly define project scopes, budgets, and outcomes. Here running a flexible dedicated team is a bad idea.

If you can’t detail your project’s requirements from the start or if you need flexibility, the fixed price model's constraints become clear. It doesn't allow for last-minute changes. And the extensive upfront discussions and planning needed might not suit the dynamic nature of your goals.

You think that working with nearshore companies is more hassle than it needs to be

I know, I’m scrapping the bottom of the barrel for this negative. However, to some, integrating a remote dedicated team into your project might seem a bad idea. I do not doubt that you might have concerns about how communication works with a nearshore team. Whether you realize it or not, some phrases or expressions that seem natural to you might be alien to others. So if you’re NOT willing to adapt tone and put in place the right systems to work with a dedicated team then communication will be a problem. Again, this highlights how a dedicated team is a bad idea, but this is a problem you can easily fix.

This model opens many opportunities for easy collaboration and improving projects. Physical distance becomes less important as it allows for different creative approaches. When you work with dedicated teams, you're not just handing off tasks. You're adding value to your project with a global talent pool that comes with its own strong quality assurance processes. The main problem is that you need in place strong communication channels to take advantage of it. And a dedicated person to act as a point of contact.

5. And finally, some advice

Leadership and accountability in dedicated teams

In dedicated teams, it's crucial to have a clear structure of leadership and accountability. This means assigning an end-to-end leader who oversees the entire project. As well as individual leaders for each function within the project. It's also important that each leader has a designated decision-making substitute who can step in during their absence. This helps make sure your project is always moving forward.

Setting project foundations

Before any project kicks off, defining its foundation is essential. This involves setting clear goals, resources, and deadlines. Also, establishing a plan that outlines the project's priorities, outcomes, and timeframes. These early preparations are key to aligning the team's efforts. This ensures that everyone is working towards the same objectives from the start.

Aligning team objectives with project success

For a project to be successful, the entire team must be aligned with the project's main aim, its success. To build this alignment, the success or failure of the project should be reflected in the performance reviews of all team members. This approach ensures that individuals and teams are aligned with the overall success of the project.

Project evaluation and prioritization

Ongoing evaluation and prioritization of projects are key to aligning with business goals. As well as adapting to market conditions. Assessing each project against your objectives allows for informed decision-making. This means you have all the info linked to continuing, adjusting, or discontinuing projects. This process ensures that resources are allocated efficiently. And that the company remains focused on projects that offer the most value.


The argument against dedicated teams boils down to a matter of fit. For those with brief projects, tight budgets, or a preference for tight control, dedicated teams might not be the ideal route. Challenges with nearshore teams highlight the critical need for solid communication and processes.

Choosing a dedicated team requires a careful balance of your project's demands against the model's benefits. Success lies not just in the choice, but in the details.

Ultimately, the right strategy is one that's custom-fitted to your project's unique requirements. Whether a dedicated team is right for you depends on aligning their strengths with your project's needs. The goal is always strategic partnership for capability enhancement and objective achievement. Consider your options wisely.

The article was created in cooperation with Inspeerity

This content was first published by KISS PR Brand Story. Read here >> When is a dedicated team model is a bad idea?

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Source: Story.KISSPR.com
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