The Strangest Places Cats Sleep and Why They Love Them

The Strangest Places Cats Sleep and Why They Love Them


Cats sleep 12 to 16 hours a day, as every cat owner knows. But why do they always choose such strange places for their beauty sleep? Discover here the 4 strangest sleeping spots and why your cat loves to nap there.

1. Laundry Basket

Lost your cat? Check your laundry basket first. It seems every cat loves to retreat there for a nap – a pile of laundry has a huge attraction for cats. Many cats twist themselves into all sorts of positions to fit in, which might not seem comfortable to us. But for cats, it is. So, why do they love sleeping in the laundry basket?

First of all, the laundry is soft. So, a pile of laundry is a perfect place for your cat to nestle into. If your cat prefers to nap among the dirty laundry, it means your cat really loves you – all that laundry smells like its owners, and your cat feels safe and secure there. And that’s very important for a good cat nap.

Additionally, a laundry basket is used almost daily and is placed where people often come – in the bathroom or a bedroom. This is another reason why the laundry basket is often a favorite sleeping spot for cats. They can stay close to their humans, which gives them a sense of security.

Did you know that 30% of cats regularly sleep in the laundry basket?

2. Fruit Bowl

It doesn’t sound very logical, but for cats, a fruit bowl is a small paradise. Cats love tight spaces because they feel safe there. And a fruit bowl has just enough space for a cat to curl up in and sleep soundly. This behavior stems from their instincts – cats in the wild have many enemies, and a secure place protects them from danger.

But a fruit bowl also offers an interesting view of the world around the cat. A fruit bowl is often on a table, a high spot. Cats love high places to sleep because they can keep an eye on their surroundings and watch everyone passing by. The high edge around the fruit bowl

provides a perfect spot for cats to peer over, giving them a sense of control and oversight – something that is in their nature. Cats are hunters and like to survey their entire territory.

Treat your cat to a nice high sleeping spot with a XXL cat tree with super soft sleeping areas!

Temperature also plays a role in choosing a specific spot like the fruit bowl. Cats like to keep their body temperature regulated. Fruit bowls are often made of hard materials like glass or plastic. These materials warm up nicely in the sun and stay cool in the shade – an ideal spot for cats.

It’s true: 15% of cats love to sleep in the fruit bowl.

3. Bookshelf

Cats are highly attracted to high places. That’s why every cat owner often finds their cat on top of a cabinet or bookshelf. This isn’t surprising, as cats feel safe and like the king of their territory when they’re in a high place – from there, they can keep an eye on visitors! This behavior comes from their ancestors. Cats' ancestors liked to sleep in trees to hide from enemies and watch for prey. A bookshelf is a perfect place for a cat to sleep and a fantastic vantage point!

In a modern household, a cat has (luckily) few enemies. But it’s still good to offer your cat high places. It’s a perfect way to escape the hustle and bustle on the floor – like small children or other pets. Give your cat a high spot in the house, and you’ll see that it will make them happy. Cats are incredible companions and love to observe their owners in daily life – it gives them a sense of involvement in the family, reading a book, or working. This strengthens their bond with the family and provides comfort and coziness.

Fact: A whopping 60% of all cats in the world love to sleep in high places.

The best high sleeping spot in the house? Give your cat a cat shelf as a gift!

4. Laptop and Keyboard

We all work from home more and more often. And many cat owners have noticed that their cats love to lie on the keyboard – especially when they’re trying to work. But why is that?

There are two reasons:

1. Warmth Cats often seek out warm places to rest because their body temperature is slightly higher than that of humans. The keyboard (especially of your laptop) – particularly when it has just been used – can be an irresistibly warm spot for your cat. That’s one reason your cat always seems to lie on your keyboard or laptop just when you want to work.

2. Attention If your cat rolls or sleeps on your keyboard or laptop, it might also be a way to seek attention from you. Your cat makes sure you absolutely can’t ignore them! And that’s not surprising either, as cats are social animals that love being close to their owners. So, if your cat lies on your keyboard, take it as a gift – your cat wants to be with you and shows their affection for you.

Research shows that about 25% of cats love to lie on their owner’s keyboard while they work.

Cats, we can’t stop talking about them! They keep surprising us with their strange behavior, special habits, and odd sleeping spots around the house. That’s why we love them so much! Are you also crazy about your cat? Don’t forget to invest in a good scratching post with soft sleeping spots because it will make them very happy!

This content was first published by KISS PR Brand Story. Read here >> The Strangest Places Cats Sleep and Why They Love Them

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