3 Ways That Advanced Scientific Testing Can Protect Us

3 Ways That Advanced Scientific Testing Can Protect Us

Modern times have seen the introduction of new technologies, processes and compounds into our living environment. For most of humanity’s existence, we only had to navigate the natural world. With recent advances, though, we now find ourselves existing in a complex realm where new chemicals or ways of sourcing raw materials may bring significant risks along with new benefits. Fortunately, we can tap into the power of advanced scientific testing to help keep us safe. With these sophisticated tests, we can develop a clear understanding of what is going on in the world around us.

One of the key technologies that is used to help keep us safe is X-Ray Powder Diffraction, or XRD testing. This methodology was first discovered and introduced at the University of Munich’s Theoretical Physics Institute in 1912. It’s revolutionary nature earned it’s originator, Max von Laue, a Nobel prize. The first step in the testing process is to take a portion of the substance being tested and grind it into fine powder form. XRD is then used to perform an analysis of the crystalline nature and structure of the materials. An analysis of the angles and intensity of the X-rays that are diffracted during testing can then help determine the exact composition of the substance.

Analyzing Acid Drainage from Mines

When surface or groundwater drains from a mine that is active or abandoned, it can be acidic. At some mines, the iron sulfide material pyrite can become exposed to the elements. As it reacts with air or water, it can create a mixture consisting of iron that has been dissolved and sulfuric acid. 

Further damage to the environment can occur as this acidic runoff then dissolves heavy metals such as copper, lead and mercury into local water sources. Scientists can use XRD analysis to identify the different minerals in a drainage sample. This helps them determine acid mine damage, and determine solubility and transport issues of concern.

XRD Use in the Pharmaceutical Sector

Pharmaceuticals bring tremendous benefits to consumers everywhere. To assure the safety of medicines, stringent quality control processes are put in place. Sophisticated XRD analyses are used to identify the specific minerals and elements present in each of the manufactured drugs.

With XRD, laboratory scientists can test and track the pharmaceuticals throughout each stage of the manufacturing process. This form of testing also allows companies to be able to improve the formulations and determine the bioavailability of their unique products.

How XRD Analyses Can Be Used with Remote Sensing

Across different areas of the country, severe damage can occur due to mudlfows and landslides. Scientists have been using XRD, in combination with remote sensing, to help analyze rock formations along the Cascade volcanoes. Rocks in these areas were being studied because they were hydrothermally altered and could contribute to potential damaging slides.

XRD allowed the scientists to precisely identify the minerals that were present in the samples. A further detailed analysis of the borates and saline materials helped researchers identify critical absorption factors that could contribute to potential slides and mudflows.

This content was first published by KISS PR Brand Story. Read here >> 3 Ways That Advanced Scientific Testing Can Protect Us

Website of Source: https://h-and-m-analytical.com/

Source: Story.KISSPR.com
Release ID: 1076857