The Ultimate Guide to Transferring Utility Services When Moving Homes

Moving home can be exciting and stressful. In the midst of all the packing and organising, one of the tasks that gets forgotten is transferring utility services. Getting your electricity, gas,

Moving home can be exciting and stressful. In the midst of all the packing and organising, one of the tasks that gets forgotten is transferring utility services. Getting your electricity, gas, water and internet transferred can make all the difference to your new home. In this guide will take you through the steps to transfer your utility services hassle free, so you don’t need any last minute moving help and everything is set up when you get there.

1. Start Early and Plan

List All Utilities

Firstly, list all the utilities you need to transfer. These are:

  • Electricity

  • Gas

  • Water

  • Internet and Cable

  • Phone Services

  • Waste Management

Contact Utility Providers

Once you have your list, contact each provider and let them know you’re moving. Do this at least 3-4 weeks in advance to avoid any disruption. Tell them your move out date and the new address where services need to be transferred.

2. Transfer Electricity Services

Research and Choose a Plan

If you’re moving to a new area, research the local electricity providers. For example, if you’re moving to Adelaide, look into fixed rate electricity plans in Adelaide. Fixed rate plans can help you budget better by locking in a rate for your electricity usage.

Schedule the Transfer

Schedule the disconnection of electricity at your current home for the day after you move out and the connection at your new home for the day before you move in. This way you’ll have electricity for any last minute tasks at your old place and when you get to your new home.

3. Gas and Water Services

Notify Providers

As with electricity, notify your gas and water providers of your move. Get the gas disconnected and reconnected as needed, especially if you use gas for heating or cooking.

Check for Specific Requirements

Some areas may have specific requirements or processes for transferring gas and water services. Ask your providers if there are any special steps to follow.

4. Internet and Cable Services

Check Your Needs

Check if your current internet and cable provider services your new area. If not, you’ll need to find a new one. Consider your usage needs, such as speed and bandwidth, when choosing a plan.

Book Installation

Book the installation of your internet and cable in advance. Many providers can be booked weeks in advance and having your internet up and running as soon as possible will help with settling in especially if you work from home.

5. Phone Services

Update Your Address

Make sure your phone service provider has your new address. If you’re moving to a different area code, you may need to get a new number. Most mobile phone providers can transfer your service to your new address without changing your number.

Test Everything

After you move, test your phone line to make sure everything is working. This includes your voicemail and any other features you have.

6. Waste Management

Research the waste management services in your new area. Some places require you to sign up for garbage collection and others include it in your municipal services.

Set up your waste management services to start as soon as you arrive. This will get you bins for recycling and trash from day one.

7. Final Checks Before Moving Day

A week before you move, confirm all your transfers. Check the dates and make sure there are no gaps in service. Keep a list of contact info for all your utility providers. If anything goes wrong during the move you’ll be able to get in touch with them quickly.

8. Moving Day

Last Minute Moving Help

If you need last minute moving help consider hiring a professional moving service. They can help with the heavy lifting and get your belongings moved safely.

Keep Essentials With You

Keep essentials like chargers, a flashlight and basic tools with you during the move. These will come in handy if you have any issues with your utilities when you arrive.


Transferring your utilities when moving is a key part of a smooth transition to your new home. By starting early and contacting each provider in order, you can avoid common mistakes and last minute moving stress. Research local providers especially if you’re looking at fixed rate electricity plans in Adelaide to make sure you get the best deal for you.

Confirm all transfers a week before you move to avoid any service gaps and keep provider contact details handy to sort out any unexpected issues. Planning ahead makes the move easier and helps you settle into your new home comfortably with all utilities ready to go from day one. With proper planning, your move will be a positive and stress free experience so you can enjoy your new home.

This content was first published by KISS PR Brand Story. Read here >> The Ultimate Guide to Transferring Utility Services When Moving Homes

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